
Wildlife in Tulum, Mexico?

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We are going to Tulum, Mexico next week and was curious about what type of animals and aquatic life we may see. We are also going into the jungle about 50 miles inland. Are there cats or monkeys? Also curious about jellyfish and sharks. Anyone been there and have experiences? Thanks!




  1. I've been to that area many times and have seen:

    1. Iguanas, they are everywhere, especially at the ruins in Tulum, they like to sun themselves on the rocks.

    2. Coatis

    3. I have seen one monkey, I don't know what kind but it was a Mayan family's pet so I don't think that really counts.

    4. Geckos

    5. Lots of fish & birds. I have never seen a shark, I have seen one small jelly fish (not a Tulum but in the lagoon in Cancun)

    6. Saw a deer once, I think it was a brown brocket deer but not 100% certain.

    7. One time we saw a tarantula

    That's all I can think of for now.

    I used this site to help identify some of the animals I have come across:

    I hope you enjoy your trip.

  2. You will find plenty of birds, including toucans, parrots, etc.  You will find several types of monkeys including spider monkeys and howler monkeys.  You can still find some deer (white tail.)  There are some tapir and wild boars.  Plenty of butterflies.

    In the water you will find all sorts of fish, including parrot, trumpet, etc.  You can see from time to time turtles, eels and some other big fish, but they are typically further from the coast and you can only see them on diving trips.  There is hardly any jellyfish in the region and is it rare to run into one swimming or snorkeling from the coast.  There are some sharks, but very few and and mostly non-aggressive.  In fact they keep a Nurse shark in Isla Mujeres as a petting shark.  I have swam with it a couple of times, it is very docile.

    In some of the very rare inland lagoons, you can find alligators and even some crocodiles.  Check the link to the Sian Ka'an Biosphere for more info.  Check also the site of a Hotel in the Tulum zone that I used to frequent often.  They do have some info of local fauna and some pictures.

    You will see tons of Iguanas and Geckos.  I have seen a few garden snakes, also a tarantula crossing toe road and a couple of times some scorpions.  But your biggest hassle will be the mosquitoes and flies.

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