
Will 2 internet Modems work on one ISP contract?

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I have Telus high speed enhanced and it came with a 2wire gateway. There is 3 Computers in my house. I wired and 2 Wireless (Mine is wireless). I am sick and tired of wireless because it cuts out all the time. If

I got a second ADSL modem from dlink or something and hooked it up to my wireless computer via ethernet and a phone line would it work? Or would I have to pay more to run a second ADSL modem




  1. What you will find is that only one modem will work at a time. Depending on your ISP, you could find them quite upset at what you are doing.

    The best solutions are

    1. If you can, run an Ethernet cable to your machine from the wireless router.

    2. If running a cable is impossible, get a repeater to increase the signal strength and install the repeater between you and the location of the wireless router

  2. Im very confused here.

    But I think you should just run an ethernet cable to the spot where you use your now wireless computer the most.

    You dont need a second modem...besides, in the end you will need to run that 1 extra cable.

  3. no it won't cost more 1 plan=unlimited connections, but not unlimited bandwidth, so your browsing speed may decrease with a second modem

    please answer my question;...

  4. it should work fine, but just be carefull with them interfiering with each other, p.s, if your using windows xp on your wireless then upgrade to vista, i did and now my wireless is fine.

  5. Actually with a 2wire gateway all you need is a multiport switch if you want more wired machines!

    The 2wires are all routers and will handle more than one device or your wireless wouldn't work! So just buy an inexpensive ethernet switch and connect both wired machines to the switch and the switch to the 2wire. Your done in a few minutes - no new configuration needed!

    See for support. But if it has wired and wireless it will support many wired machines with just a cheap switch being added.

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