
Will 2009 be warmer or cooler than 2008?

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Jello you've predicted Sceptic's answer. Amazing.




  1. It depends on where you live.  It will be near record highs for two days and then cool.  As normal as normal gets.  There are indications that we will have a harder winter, like animals furring up already.  Weather is always variable

    and a good topic of discussion.  Denver just had a record cold temperature last night.

  2. jell dod it

  3. The only constant is change.

  4. I think a Global Carbon Tax would be a "spectacular" way of bringing down temperatures for 2009.  Don't you?  I mean, all the Globalist Cronies in Washington had to do was MENTION a Carbon Tax, and look, we've been in a cooling trend all Summer!  Its incredible!  Putting a tax on one of the most base elements of our planet that we breath out and all plants breath in is simply a brilliant idea.  Why not tax defecation?  Most of us have to do that too, and I'm sure some scientist somewhere could be paid by the World Wildlife Fund to say that it causes Global Warming.  

  5. this global warming"crisis" is all a big hoax.

  6. Great answer jello.

    All the science says it will be approximately 1 million degrees hotter *(kelvin)

    Global Warming is a bloodsucking demon who knows your address and phone number. Never question the danger, or the Global Warming will track you down and rape you! The only way to defeat the Global Warming is to give up your national sovereignty and adopt more free trade agreements and supranational regulations!

    Basically, you have to do everything the CFR says, for only the globalists can protect you from the deadly carbon dioxide!!!

    Submit, terrorist!

  7. I think it can be cooler if we stop causing Global Warming. .

    But if we continuously harming our environment it would be hotter.

  8. It's a coin toss whether next year will be cooler or warmer than is year.

    If the IPCC's predictions were correct that human activity is causing a 0.2 degree warming every decade, then it wouldn't be a coin toss.  It would be much more likely to be warmer than cooler.

  9. It could be, or then it may not.  If 2009 is warmer, then this is proof that global warming is real, and it's all man fault.

    If 2009 is colder, then that's not climate, it's weather.

  10. Who knows for sure?  But if the past year and a half are any indication it'll be cooler because the average daily highs have fallen during that time, and the northern hemisphere went through it's coldest winter last year.

  11. Honestley prob. hotter

  12. If I had to guess I'd say warmer, because the La Nina cycle which caused the first half of 2008 to be relatively cool has dissipated.  But of course it's very difficult to predict, and this question should be in the weather section, not global warming.

  13. No one knows . The trend has been cooling , so if I had to put money on it I'd say cooling .

  14. I think 2009 is going to be slightly cooler than 2008, based on the fact that we are in ENSO neutral conditions, global snow pack is increasing, global sea ice is increasing, the PDO has cycled to a cool phase and the sun's output is continually dropping.

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