
Will 285/75/16 tires fit on my 98 Chevy 4x4

by Guest66590  |  earlier

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i have a 98 chevy 1500 4x4 and i need new tires bad. im running 265s at the moment and i was thinking about getting 285s but i dont want them to rub, so i need to know if anyone else has a similar truck to mine that is running 285s with no rub. thanks




  1. yes they will , they fit on my 2004 Chevy  

  2. They will fit but may rub during a full-lock turn and you hit a bump. They may grab the little plastic airdam under the front bumper at the outer most edge, simply cut the plastic at an angle. They will also grab at the inner fender along the backside.

    It really depends on the type of tire if yo will have rubbing issues, street tires usually wont because of the rounded tread edges, if your runnin an offroad or mud tire plan on it grabbing your truck.

  3. It came stock with 265/75/16's so, you should have no problems as long as your rims are wide enough. The 285 is about 5/8" wider,and just a shade taller. This is only 1 size larger than stock. If you want to have a much taller tire, up to about 2", you could go to an 85 series aspect ratio where you have a 75 series now. This will effect your speedometer readings, but, that's easy enough to fix.

  4. Only if you drive in tight circles.

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