
Will 'Baryta Carb' & 'Silicea' homeopathy medicines be effective to increase height ?

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I am 21 yrs old boy and only 5' 6 & 1/2'' tall. I want to be 2 inches more taller. I have heard that homeopathy medicines, 'Baryta Carb 200c' & Silicea 12x4 are very effective to grow taller. Does it really work? Btw, do I have any hope to grow taller any more ?




  1. I think you're growing normally, it may be your thinking that you are short, as you might be seeing taller people than you. anyways, it happens at this age. It also depends on your parent's or grandparent's heights also(genetically)

    Homoeopathy has an answer for these types of problem but as i said you are normal, so no need to take any medicine, except nutritious diet. These two remedies may be helpful but not always and not for everyone, as the selection of homoeopathic remedy depends on individual to individual. A homoeopathic physician considers so many parameters to select a remedy for a patient, means every remedy cannot be used for everyone, as parameters changes with every individual.

    But even now you want to take medicine, please consult a good homoeopathic physician, he'll guide you in a right direction.


  2. No.

    If you are 21, you have probably got about as tall as you are going to be.  

    There is no pill you can take....homeopathic or otherwise that will make you grow taller.   Your height is determined by your genetic potential (are your parents short, were their parents short)   ie the influence of Nurture.  Did you get proper nutrition during critical phases of life, such as puberty, or did you have any illnesses or injuries that may have slowed your growth.

    There is no magic.  Don't waste your money on useless placebos.

  3. I'm not sure about that particular question, but for an educated answer, check out

    You'll find some great information there.

  4. Since you are interested in homeopathy, your best option is to consult with a certified professional homeopath. Homeopaths are easily available worldwide. The directory for North America is at

    A homeopath will collect an hour or two of symptoms, from obvious ones such as headaches, to metabolic ones like sweaty feet and white spots on your nails, to skin symptoms such as easy scarring, to emotional symptoms that include easy embarrassment and shyness, to patterns of sleep, response to weather conditions, etc. Collectively, these symptoms represent one's "constitution." Based upon one's constitution, a homeopathic remedy is selected that will remove any mind-body obstacles disrupting deep, ongoing cure.

    For some people - most often, younger children whose growth was unnaturally stunted (i.e. from vaccines or conventional medications) - a growth spurt can be one outcome of homeopathic healing as a side effect, not the chief complaint. At 21, it wouldn't be as likely, unless an assessment revealed clear factors that contributed to stunted growth when both parents are tall, such as a head injury. Homeopathic literature is filled with seeming miracles - although, it's all about clearing the way for vital flow, like removing fallen, rotted logs that are blocking a river.

    Either way, homeopathy is a wonderful, safe, easy, affordable way to undo any residual childhood suppressions so you continue into adulthood as healthy as possible based on your constitution.

    May your desire and curiosity find a worthy home. If you decide to see a homeopath, please let me know how you respond.

  5. The best height growth product after puberty is super-growth. I recommended this product to a lot of people and more than 80 % of the users are very pleased with the results of super-growth. Check it out

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