
Will A teacher ask about my black eye?

by  |  earlier

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please help I have school tomorrow!




  1. definitely yes...

  2. Depending on your grade level.

  3. May ask, with a lot of concern! Wish u quick healing of the hurt outside and inside!

  4. Your dad should have disciplined you differently than giving you a black eye. I'm sure your teacher will report it and your dad may have to apologize for disciplining you improperly. One of my 12 year old students came to school with two black eyes. He said that he fell of his dirtbike. His mother is over 6 feet tall and he has extreme behavior problems. I don't know?

  5. I saw this exact same question about a month or so ago.  The teacher, at least one of them, should say something out of concern no matter what the reason or circumstance for how it happened.  If it was truly an accident, then nothing to worry about.  The teachers only need be concerned if there is substantiated abuse.

  6. Regardless of whether they have to ask by law, which may be the case in k-8, I would hope that they would ask because teachers should care about the students... You should talk with your parents, perhaps they could call the school. You haven't mentioned how you got the black eye, so I trust that it doesn't have anything to do w/your parents? If it happened at school; the teachers would know, but if it happened after school, they will most likely ask, as will your peers. Honesty is always the best policy. Good luck and I hope your eye gets better and whatever caused it never happens again.

  7. yes... perhaps

  8. A caring teacher would ask about it, yes. They would ask, not to get anyone in trouble, but to get someone out of any possible troubles.

    A good teacher would try to protect their "investments" ... the minds of their pupils.

    Most likely they would talk to your guidance counselor and that person would in turn talk to you about it.  After all, they have no idea who did it or why. It is everyone's job to protect the innocent.

    That's how I feel about it anyways.

    I wish you luck and peace!

  9. More than likely they will b/c they will probably be a bit concerned if it happened by a parent or someone in your household.  if it is then they will notify the police and get dfcs involved.

  10. No. Well it prolly depends on how old you are, if you said 7th grade she/he would prolly jsu assume you got into a fight, unless you come there with them a lot.

  11. They don't always ask about black eyes.  For example, if you were playing some sport with your classmates and got hit with the ball and they overheard everyone talking about it, they would probably not ask further.  But if you are not normally the type of person to get into fights, they very well might.  At the very least, they should express concern.  If you seem not to want to answer or give an answer that doesn't make sense, they may ask more questions.

  12. Who knows. Depends on how much the teacher really cares about their students.

    If it's caused by a parent or someone in your house, they are required by law to notify police.

  13. Just say you fell down the stairs...after a mob of midget strippers assualted you. That should get them off your case.

  14. Depends if your one of those negligent stoner kids they probably won't pay any attention,if your a good polite student they will most definetly ask.

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