
Will AFI be hosting the 2008 MTV Music Awards?

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My friend heard rumor that AFI (A Fire Inside) will be hosting the 2008 MTV Music Awards. I'm a die-hard AFI fan and don't want to miss it so if someone could answer this I'll award them 10 points.

If I'm being a complete idiot and they've already passed (I know the Movie Awards passed, I watched them) then just correct me. I don't pay attention to commercials that much...




  1. No Russell Brand is hosting them lol...he is funny and the commericals with him and Britney crack me up

  2. Russel Brand is hosting it.

  3. No, I saw on all the commercials that its being hosted by the guy who played the weird rockstar boyfriend in Forgetting Sarah Marshall...

    I wish it was AFI... Maybe if we're lucky they will perform?

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