
Will AIS be the next big technology for pleasure craft?

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AIS (Automatic Identification System), will boat owners use this technology to help with Safety and Security?




  1. AIS was introduced mainly for when you need to contact another vessel to avoid any confusion, usually to do with rules of the road.  When i was at sea numerous times you would hear 'vessel on my port side this is vessel on your starboard side', all well and good but there could be many vessels about.  AIS has a lot of useful things but a lot of it depends on teh users inputting the correct details and keeping it up to date.  All in all i think that it will become as common as gps on the seas regardless of size/type of craft

  2. ais is already in use on many vessels,it is required in some areas that use vtc (vessel traffic control) like new york and parts of louisiana,mainly on towing vessels and boats over 100 tons,but anyone can buy one and install it on their clarify gary williams below an a.i.s. constantly updates itself giving speed,position,heading,name,call sign and cpa to name a few,the only input from the user would be destination and draft.

  3. I think one day everything have some form of Automatic Identification.

    Cars will all have GPS so you get your tickets in the mail when it relay you speeding. Shut off your car if you rob a store. Stop the car if you heading for an accident. That type stuff and boats, planes, etc. will too. People be Micro-Chipped basically for the same reasons, keep an eye on us, what we do, where we go and who we talking too. All in the name of National Security. But, the personal benefits be what most people will hear.

    It just the way of the world.

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