
Will Aaron Rodgers kill his wide receivers fantasy value?

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I am especially concerned about Donald Driver, who was outstanding with Favre and will be 33.




  1. He won't hurt driver as much because Driver wasn't such a big play guy(will go over the middle/slants etc.) He may even help his value if the young QB makes him his go to guy( like most young guns do) Driver: 86 rec. 1,150 yds. 5TDs

    He will kill Jennings value. He's not much of an underneath option in the red zone. He got his 12td (in 13 games) from big plays. Farve could do that Rogers can't. Jennings (15 games) 58 rec. 893yds 9tds

    Farve isn't coming back, the pack doesn't want him. As much as I'd like that its just not going to happen.

  2. Favre is coming back, so no.

  3. I dont think he'll kill their value not as much as people think.  But i wouldn't go out there in the draft and pickup any Packers WRs at least not this year.

  4. It will indeed drop both Jennings and Driver, but it won't fall off the map.  AR proved he can play in the Dallas game when Favre went out.

    To be fair, Driver is already in decline and is no longer a TD producer.  He's best as a third WR or backup in most leagues. has the rankings as follows in standard format leagues:

    Jennings - #56

    Driver - #74

    To put that in persective, for Jennings in particular it drops him in a tier of receivers that includes Lee Evans, Calvin Johnson and Roddy White.  All those reflect that same uncertainty about their respective offenses.

    The player that deserves an uptick in the Rodgers transition is TE Donald Lee.  He's a nice quiet sleeper that can be snatched late.

  5. NO. People, you need to give Rodgers a chance.  Remember how he was a first round pick? Remember? He has shown glimpses of being a solid starter in the past.

    The packers have so many weapons on offense there is no way he won't have some success. Donald Driver's value might drop only because he is getting older and Greg Jennings is emerging as the number one WR in Green Bay.  Don't be afraid to draft Green Bay wide receivers.

    As for the people who claim that defenses will stack the box and stop the packers from running in order to put pressure on Rodgers, think of this.  How often are the packers in a power running formation? Almost never. They spend most of the game in 3 WR sets. They aren't going to change their entire offense game plan because Favre left.  How is a defense supposed to cover that many recievers with 8 in the box? They can't.  Any QB could succeed with the Green Bay WR's in single coverage.

  6. i'm willing to gamble that aaron has a good year. i wouldn't make him my starting qb, but I think all the other pieces are there for a smooth transition.

    but, i think driver is done. i wouldn't draft him.

  7. There not going to be able to stack the box because the packers play 3 wr sets so much, unless they're going zero coverage they can't stack the box. If the do stack the box Aaron Rodgers with eat them alive, even Tavares Jackson can throw a slant against zero coverage. As for will he kill his receivers, I don't think so. There stats will fall some but they won't fall into the basement. I think Drivers stats will fall more than the others because he and Favre have played together for about 7 or 8 years and had good timing. But I wouldn't worry to much about it I think Rodgers will be fine and the Packers will have another winning season. My prediction 11-5.

  8. Definately.  And the running backs.  Teams will stack the line now against the Packs.

  9. .

    No i think he will be fine. He has a very strong arm and they will simplify the playbook for him to best suit his abilities

    He will throw at least 20 TD's. He had an outstanding game last year when he had to come in and relieve Favre

  10. He will be fine

    Brett need to stay home

  11. Actually he will raise one and kill the others.  Favre was so great because he could spread the love so efficiently.  The young inexperienced Rodgers will have one go to guy.

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