
Will Al Gore stop volcano's from polluting?

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Seems like mother nature pollutes more than man, so where is the plan.......




  1. That may seem so, but the world was going just fine when we weren't polluting it. You can't solve a problem by adding to it.

  2. Al Gore's point is not the natural CO2 and methane production. That is called neutral because what is produced by organic rot and fire, is absorbed by plants.

    What is increasing CO2 in the atmosphere is when we burn fossil fuel today. That was forests that were supposed to burn or rot millions of years ago but instead it got encapsuled in the earth.

    This being said, Al Gore's film is not allowed in the UK as educational material. It is too controversial and one-sided.

    The problem with the greenhouse effect is that we don't know how it will end. And that is scary enough, don't you think?

  3. Actually this is not true.  Humans give off about 150 times more carbon dioxide every year than volcanoes.  People keep spreading this myth about how much CO2 that volcanoes give off, but it is not true.

  4. Well, he invented the internet so I'm confident that he can accomplish anything he sets his mind to.

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