
Will America Break up an form separate countries?California should that spit from the USA?

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when America is not a super power or full of Spanish and the geographical and political differences cause America to split up




  1. I'd argue that actually it's not such a bad idea.

    The States seem to do a far better job of governance than the Federal Govt, and are far less wasteful, more efficient and don't go to war for corporate oil-grabs.

    And California is the world's 5th largest economy- who knows- it has the potential to become number 4 or 3.

    All the best US friends- we all love you but hate Bush too.

  2. I don't think that it will split up and form separate countries.

    When the federal government falls it will be utter chaos eventually followed by local groups battling for resources that will rise to form new governments.

    This is not good.

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