
Will America Ever Focus on Solutions?

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Everytime I turn on the news its "Look what the liberals did" or "Look what the conservatives are doing now" Guess it depends on what medium of news based on your views you are listening to.

You watch the news and you get the same thing. One extreme view of an issue vs. one extreme view of the same issue. Where is the truth? or is it this works better for us?

Will America ever get past this partisan bandwagon and focus on the things that are important (for example how to deal with Social Security, Defense, and Medicaid) or will we continue to slander each other to procure votes and partisan support




  1. i've been around for 59 yrs. and it has only gotten worse. the only way i see to institute real change is vote every incumbent out of office and start over. the ones in office would never pass term limits or vote to change the sweet health ins. and retirement plan they have and we pay for. it's a case of the blind leading the blind. for things to change we have to change them. we can't count on partisan politicians changing anything. we need to stand unified and send them a message they can't ignore. unfortunately, i don't see that happening in my lifetime.

  2. I agree with you. We should not be obsessed with political parties or candidates but must be obsessed with the results that are good for America.

    So, let's start now.

    Let's help ourselves no matter who the president may be. See if you can support the Fair Tax bill (bill H.R. 25) and try to get more people to support it if you are convinced of it - And write your representatives if you agree with it.

    The Fair Tax encourages businesses to keep jobs in the U.S. and attract foreign businesses into the U.S., ensures funding for Social Security and Medicare and ensures that the poorest segment don't even pay any taxes and provides incentives on the poorest to improve themselves without penalty.

    There are  drawbacks: politicians don't have as much influence in buying our votes and lobbyists have much less influence on Congress. So if you are a politician who wants to make people dependent to get their votes or a lobbyist who wants to game the tax code - the bill is not good for you.

    If you are looking for energy independence - see if you agree with drill here drill now -

  3. Oh yes just as soon as the D's and R's are voted out on their collective a$$es!

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