
Will America ever be beyond racism?

by Guest44694  |  earlier

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Will America ever be beyond racism?




  1. Racism is an overused word that makes me want to puke.

    As long as we have Affirmative action and c**p like that we'll have racism.

    Vote Bill Cosby for president he's sick of it too.

  2. Racism will always exist.

    Whats for dinner?

  3. All These funny answers pointing fingers ((Blacks this Blacks that... is that the only RACE that is racist? i dont fcKn think So!!!!! ))  and being ignorant ones prove it. NO!



  4. Once black people stop pretending like it's 1963 still, we will be over it.

    The white world has moved past it years ago, now we just have to wait for the black communities to stop pulling the race card, blaming things on racism, and really - stop filling the minds of the young people in their community with images of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the KKK and the Old South, even Jesse Jackson's movement.  Those times were 40 to 170 years ago, and it's time to stop pretending like things haven't progressed.

    Listen to Bill Cosby, not Nas and the Game.

  5. no! there will always be african americans, latinos, asians, and caucasians. if those four races always exist on the earth, racism will never fade, no matter how many, or what kind of laws, are passed. there will always be people that have hatred rooted deep inside of them, passed down generation to generation. they haven't been taught what forgiveness is, either.  i am glad to say i am not one of those people!  

  6. No.  

    Because we are a melting pot of free thinking there will always be judgments about race, sexual orientation, and religion.  Forward thinking always beats backward thinking, but it will always be around in some form.  

  7. Sadly it wont. It's actually getting worst because of the immigration issues and comments from antis on here are proof. Not only are the illegal aliens victims of violence, so are the legal latinos. Hate groups are on the rise because of the immigration issues to! and people make it seem like it's a good thing.

    Anti-immigration hate on a rapid upswing

    The Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups more closely than any other groups, reports that fully 888 hate groups are now active around the nation, 80 of them operating in California. That's a growth of 5 percent nationally from the number of groups operating in 2006 and far above the 602 the center tracked in 2000. The number of hate groups active in California rose by a startling 27 percent in 2007 and another 19 percent this year, the center reports. (For a detailed list, go to

    The recent rise in number of hate groups also parallels a rise in hate crimes against Latinos, which the FBI reported up by 35 percent between 2003 and 2006. FBI experts say those crimes usually are intended to target illegal immigrants, but often hit legal residents, many of whom are native U.S. citizens.

  8. No it won't - not until the end of mankind.  Racism will never end but  meanwhile each and every person can respect and value themselves or learn how to.

  9. Spoken like a "typical white person".....

    ha ha ....

    I'd say the fact that Obama made it THIS FAR is PROOF that whites are already past race.

    It's the BLACKS who feel the need to bring RACE to the forefront.

  10. Yes, in the future, when everyone is shaging everyone else till we are all the same color.

  11. Truth speaks for it self Racism is what America is Built from the Ground up from. Look at how far it Dates back and look at where we are at today Especially in the South. Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Etc. We even have this type of thing in Politics. This is one of the biggest reasons we have Immigration Reform because not picking on them the Whites don't want to be the Under Class. As they have already claimed to Rule over all others and as long as they continue to think like that and live life like that we will always be looking at Racism in America and those that Thumb Down or Report this Answer know Personally this is a Fact. And what good is this doing to them Especially our Young Kids not one bit of good when they have Parents Teaching them to be Racists and Haters because they grow up not knowing how to do anything else. Author, Eddie Smith.

  12. Not until we're all blind and dumb.

  13. If you cannot link that idea, or take us to a paper that outlines your premise, you become at very best, a bigot, and at your worst, a racist.

    There are preferences in the world, and we have them in all subjects of life.  Suggesting one race is better than another doesn't happen in the normal white society at all..  All the little stupid suggestions that it is rampant and real cannot be supported... so pick your poison: racist or bigot.

  14. well, yea, maybe in about 50 years when everyone will be biracial.  

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