
Will Americans be nice to us if we are from South Africa?

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So, im 15 and me and my family are moving to the USA at the end of the year because of the crime here. My friends here say that they are going to be arrogant and rude to us and especially for me in the high schools? To me americans look cool and friendly i dunno anyone know?




  1. I am Mexican which is like brown skin color and I get treated like trash, I was jumped by 3 white males not to long ago just because I was in their side of town, they love to pick on minorities. But it mostly depends were you move to, I am from California. Also I have a friend that was from South Africa and he is just doing fine he is pretty cool he told me he loves America, and has only lived here for 3 years, I know you will do much better than me Americans have something for accents especially British accents. But welcome to America.

  2. People are arrogant and rude wherever you go, but there's considerate friendly people also.

    You'll find some will be nice and some will be nasty just like anywhere else in the world pretty much.

  3. That is the common misconception. I could of seen a few years ago when there was apart-id they may question you. Most of us will welcome you with open arms. We are a land of immigrants and have many different cultures here.

  4. I believe most Americans will be nice to you but be prepared for the few jerks that every country has including the U.S.. I hope you experience in the United States is a pleasant one.

  5. Americans are so diverse that you can't lump them like that.

    I don't blame you for asking, trust me.

    You'll have to decide who you do and do not plan on being with friends as soon after being here as possible.

    Ditch the jerks, and stick with those that are happy for you.

    That's the only way you'll make a sound decision on it.

    Hope I helped!

  6. Yes.  We will love your accent.  It rocks!!!!!  The kids will love you for it.

  7. Absolutely! As long as you come legally,assimilate and love your new country,we welcome you with open arms.

  8. I have no idea why anyone would be rude to you.  Americans usually smile when they hear an accent and tell you they love it.  Come on over, and welcome.

  9. everybody is not the same.i know you will find someone who will like you.good luck!

  10. Most of the rumors along those lines are just that. Friends are not usually a good source of information unless you make them tell you how they know something.

    People will treat you the same as anyone else.

    In high school kids are mean to each other but not because they came from somewhere else.

  11. well it depends because there is racism over here people will talk to you and everything just don't care what anyone thinks about you if so beat them up.........some people are rude and some aren't just like any other country;...

  12. Worry not.

    Americans generally judge people for how they act not where they are from.

    If you like us we'll like you and you will be treated well.

    American;s are generally very friendly and usually try to make people feel at home.

    Of course, we have our share of jerks just as every other country has,


  13. A very common perception about Americans from people around the world is that Americans are arrogant and rude, as well as being fat, loud and ignorant.  It's usually by those who have either never met any Americans, or have never visited here.  It tend to stem from a hatred for our political policies, and sometimes that translates to some as a hatred of the people too.

    I had a good friend in college that was from South Africa.  Can't remember what city though.  He had a wonderful time here, commented on how welcome and helpful Americans were, and after graduating and going back to South Africa, he has come back and has visited several times because he loved living here and loved his American friends.

    You have nothing to worry about.  I'm sorry but your friends seem to have bought into the stereotypes that plague Americans, which oddly enough are why so many Americans are hesitant to travel to other countries, as we are aware of how many perceive us overseas.

    Many here will not know much about South Africa, but instead of assuming that we do, most will ask you questions about South Africa.  Some may seem silly, but we're just curious.  So just answer them and we'll be your friends before you know it.  I guess the one thing that most Americans do know about South Africa would be Nelson Mandela.

    Plus most will love your accent.  Many won't know where it's from, and most will probably mistake it for either British of Australian.  But that's where you come in and tell them that it's South African. And then you've got a nice conversation starter!

  14. Yea they will be nice.. but will  south africa be nice to americans going there... we have all kinds of people in america..

  15. depends where you're moving to but anytime i've visited america everyone has been very friendly. i also have relatives out there and they are very nice.

  16. Only if you're black.  The only thing about South Africa that most Americans know is apartheid,, and how long has that been over?

    Just tell them you're Australian. We won't know the difference.

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