
Will Americans fall for this? Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'?

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Are Americans, specifically conservatives, really ignorant enough to fall for this?

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God."

In an address last June, the Republican vice presidential candidate also urged ministry students to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it "God's will."

"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan." (AP)

Can America really afford to have this mentality in the White House?

If elected, where do you see this administration taking this country?




  1. Saying the soldiers are doing a task that is from God does not necessarily mean the war itself is a task from God.

    I know that is "above the paygrade" for many Democrats.

    And considering the incredible slime the liberals have been trying to spread, I will not consider anything said here to be true unless backed up by a credible site!

  2. *rolleyes*....again.

    Instead of taking personal responsibility, it is god's will that the reconstructing process of Iraq is taking years, costing lives, and pushing $2 trillion dollars.

    Instead of praying to god for a renewable and cheap source of energy, Palin prays that god will walk hand and hand with giant corporations and wants to keep us dependent on fossil fuels.

    I am really not surprised that Palin believes that Iraq is a Holy War.  The last thing we need is another politician supporting war in the name's of god's will.  I am sure Palin will use this excuse to if we  go to war against Iran, Pakistan, or Russia.

  3. By "god" she means her criminal zionist jew overlords who own both parties.

  4. Maybe it's God's will that religion be kept out of our democracy, and the Democrats take back the White House?

  5. I hate when politicians use God's will as a reason to go to war.  Would God want people killing each other?  

  6. And I thought that it was Propaganda BS when people said it was the next crusade.  

  7. Great. More calls to war from God.

    The republicans need to see if God is interested in being a General.

  8. Weren't the Blues Brothers also "on a mission from God?"

  9. Please tell me you're kidding. President Bush spoke to a higher authority than his father before deciding to 'liberate' Iraq and now this? Scary, very scary and twisted. The longer I live, the more I despise how people use their god as an implement for political gain.

    I truly hope the republican party is stunned when they lose this election. They are in desperate need of some introspection.

  10. NO - Americans will not fall for this.....

  11. Proof to prove this untruths.


    Copy this URL and put it on every post. America needs to see what a wacko McCain picked.

  13. We will go on the next Crusade, obviously.

  14. Sadly, many probably will, they fell for it twice with Bush why would it be any different this time around?

    Now all she needs to do is label herself a "compassionate conservative" and we'll have a REAL Bush clone!

  15. Palin is not fit for public office.

    The CONSTITUTION dictates that we keep religious beliefs out of politics.

    She just screwed herself.

  16. I think if Palin gets elected, she'll establish the Church of Wishful Thinking.  

  17. Ok where's the part that says we can speak for God?  Because I have been going to church all my life and I must have missed that Sunday. Was it close to the thou shalt not kill part or closer to the turn the other cheek part?

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