
Will Americans leave the USA just like people in the UK are?

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I am an American, and I am presently in the UK. Yesterday on the news, it was reported that approx 1 million educated or skilled or business people left the UK to live in a country that is more tax favorable , or will give them additional to tax incentives if they create jobs. They are calling this concern the 'brain drain' of the UK. So,...if the government keeps taxing the people in the USA so much and treats people who are trying to improve their lives like they are doing something so 'evil', do you think that more Americans will leave the USA where they are more appreciated? If too many people leave,.....there are going to be less people who will create jobs, and we will have less skilled people. What do you think?




  1. Let's not forget that the Americas were flooded with Europeans a few centuries ago wanting a better life. They will flood back OR to Asia, Africa or anywhere else they may feel the need. People have been migrating since the beginning of recorded history and before for better opportunities. So, I would say YES!

  2. Ive tried to get my wife to move to the Vancouver area,that's on the Canadian side. ever since some turned off the lights and George w .was on his second trip to the white house. Itruley think the American people have lost their collective minds. We now live in north Carolina, but was raised in pa. Yes the weather is different, but Its the country's direction that has me concerned, not the snow. I could go on ,but I'm not a rant and raver, I m looking for the best I can do for my children.

  3. All things considered, it is difficult to find a country that taxes its people less than the USA does.

  4. no it is chickens are going back to roost

  5. Where they gonna go? The U.K!

  6. With globalization it is perfectly possible that phenomenon. The professional wants to be recovered no matter where. With the current American crisis there is a great risk that happening this migration of Americans to other places in the world where they are more professionally recognized.

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