
Will Australia president attend Olympic opening ceremony?

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Serious answer pls....




  1. Australia doesnt have a president!

    But our Prime Miniser Kevin Rudd has not decided if he will attned yet.

  2. Australia doesn't have a president

  3. Yes he will, but only after the republic or bust referendum.

  4. Australia does not have a president, It's a prime minister named Kevin Rudd. I believe he won't go because he has a job trying to help Australians in need.

  5. We don't have a President, but our Prime Minister will certainly attend the Olympic opening ceremony. I understand that his view is that the best way to get the Chinese to change is not to antagonise them (as a ceremony boycott would do), but to keep an open and on-going dialogue with their leaders. BTW, he speaks very fluent Mandarin.

  6. Our Prime Minister,as we do not have a President will certainly attend and even address the officials in Chinese

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