
Will B. Hussein O.'s castigation of absent black fathers work as a ploy to attract white votes?

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Wouldn't it be better for a candidate running for president of all types

of citizens to have announced a generalized program to reduce this

problem rather than to address it to only one group--even if that group

is beset with the particular problem at higher rates than the general population?

Doesn't his not having so chosen prove that he can't get beyond the role of "black leader"?

Hasn't the "news" media been rather remiss in not pointing the above

questions out to the electorate?

Wouldn't it have been better to have let the so-called "black leaders", those parasites like "reverend" Concubine-coverer or "reverend" Jerry-curl explain to their particular hyphenated-American host group that the "jig is up" and they're going to have to clean up their own house if they expect the rest of the country to vote one of their group into The People's House"?




  1. gee  you have a lot of questions.... for the first question, yeah of course.

  2. Sadly,yes.Sompe people love sound bytes.Too many have been mind-controlled in the past 40 years.

  3. He has no clue what the role of a father should be.  In one of his speeches he said he would reward "fathers" who keep their support payments current by giving them some sort of social (welfare) programs.  So I guess he feels by bribing sperm donors to obey the law he is somehow going to solve some sort of problem.  I wish I knew which speech it was so I could include the link, but I don't.

  4. Whats wrong with being a black leader - AND being a presidential candidate. Boy - it sure does seem like blacks in Obama's position "cant win for losing". If he "ignored" blacks - meaning once he got to the national stage - he no longer had time to "visit" - he would be crucified. Now because he spent father's day in his home state - (with constituents that voted him into office as senator ) he's questioned about that too!

    What you fail to realize is that there are plenty of community activists ( not Sharpton/Jesse) that do alot to improve the plight of the "have nots" in urban areas. For what its worth Wright's church helped get kids to colleges with scholarships, & helped folks learn competitive job skills to get them away from the cycle of welfare.

    Again - he didnt miss a debate with McCain to be at that church - he didnt forgo some campaign rally to talk about absent black fathers - he spent a HOLIDAY - unselfishly no doubt speaking to some folks that supported him wayyyyy before he was a presidential candidate. How is that not cool? His platform isnt "CHANGE FOR BLACKS ONLY" - he has never told an audience at a rally that his policies "are for blacks & no one else"  

    You sir are simply polarizing ONE EVENT - and twisting it to mean something it doesnt. Next you'll find fault with the choice of slacks he wears - or the colors Michelle dresses their daughters in - or the way he winks at a crowd of young people - or why he didnt visit the petting zoo or the window washers union - seriously - if you care sooooo much about black fathers / black community and who speaks to them & when - then get off your computer & make a difference! Otherwise - you;re no different than the rest of the bull-jivers.

    And for the record - Obama & HC have outlined pathways to ending "poverty" - so that welfare doesnt become a plague to citizens generation after generation. Even McCain knows that soooo many people are living check to check that if we as a nation dont do something - welfare wont be just for the "lazy urbanites" anymore.

    REBUTTAL to your last posted comments: 1st - being Pro- black isnt ANTI White - when will non blacks get that through their skulls!!!!! Unlike David Duke & "white supremacists" the celebration of black culture IS NOT a platform for which to denounce or put down other non blacks. The music, history, traditions, are free to be celebrated by ALL - and thats the major difference between the "whites only" groups & almost EVERY OTHER ethnic group on our planet. If whites feel like they are somehow "left Out" of a "whites only" advantage - take a closer look at the world around you - "whites" influence is EVERYWHERE - so much so that minorities & smaller groups had to FIGHT to even be recognized in historical annals - So you Really believe that because blacks or samoans or chinese get together amongst themselves without the presence of whites that they must somehow be "racist" against whites?????

    When have YOU personally or professionally been told that you arent allowed to celebrate/ participate in a culturally black event, festiva, lparade, or other cultural tradition? Maybe you dont WANT too - and thats your right - BUT dont pretend that because you dont have a desire too - that blacks are racist separatists. Does this nation celebrate St patty's day , what about Columbus Day - even Cinco De Mayo is rooted towards a specific ethnic group - are these people racist because they gather & celebrate THEIR heritage & not everyone else's?

    If you think Obama doesnt have the capacity to speak to the "masses" then MAYBE you ought to ask HOW MANY presidents spoke to the "minors" - How dare you proclaim that because Obama takes time to spend with a small group of the population ( blacks are only 12%)  he somehow is UNABLE to serve the majority. Thats like saying because you enjoy sausage on a pizza  you are somehow unable to taste the cheese....unreal!

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