
Will BJJ ever become an olympic sport like judo.?

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There's already the ADCC, but will BJJ ever get into the Games. I mean, they have rules and points and referees, so... What are they waiting for, what is missing?




  1. BJJ isn't violent , i guess people just answer even though they don't know what they are talking about

    The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) is a major governing body for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  Every year the mundials (world championships).  I think it will be in the Olympics eventually especially with the rise of mma.

  2. My guess is with judo and wrestling laready, BJJ is too similiar at this point. BJJ is also not as popular as some sports that have been waiting a long time to be included.

    Understand also that in order to be an Olympic event, you have to have ONE governing body, standerdized rules, world championships, and qulifiers. The others may not be that hard, but I would suspect that having one governing body will never happen, simply because of the ego's involved.

    The Gracies come across as very arrogant, and quite honestly that has passe ddown to their students and others in BJJ. Not all are like that, but many are, and I can't see them giving up control.

    Also take into account that there are no where near as many people that practice BJJ as there are that practice karate, and kung fu, which have been waiting far longer to be included in the olympics. I don

    t think it would be fair to pass up sports/arts that have been waiting just because BJJ is the flavor of the month.

  3. too violent, will never happen.

  4. uh probably not Judo and wrestling are though

  5. Yes, I hope so

    Check me out:

  6. Don't forget whiners too all BJJ people are all whiners Especially here in Yahoo Answers.  They should have BJJ in the special olympics though man so I'd say yes I hope they can get into the special olympics too.

    There may be a ton of other sports waiting to get into the special olympics, but BJJ should not be passed up for this reason alone.

    Besides Royce Gracie looks like he belongs in the special olympics.  It may just be that the special olympics committee doesn't like the constant whinning and complaining of BJJ's practitioners or it could be that Masahiko Kimura's people over at the olympics said, "Look these BJJ guys suck out loud Kimura broke the BJJ founders arm with Ude Garami so you know they suck" and that may be what's preventing the special olpympics committee from allowing BJJ practitioners into the special never can tell.

  7. how the **** is bjj too violent?

    the resaon why they can train so well is a large part because they can train the moves they learn with near 100% power and effort because it isn't as inherently damaging as striking because you can control someone in a lock and not rip thier arm out of its socket chewbacca style by accident.

    any injuries would more likely than not be due to some *** who refuses to tap-

    my guess is it will be a russian guy who will still be grappling with both legs broken and one arm broken and he will still win the match

    - they have full contact ballet in russia you know, and its to the death.

  8. BJJ isn't "too violent"! It isn't any more violent than boxing or wrestling.

    I am pretty sure what is holding it back is the fact that it is not popular enough in enough different countries around the world. I am pretty certain that before they will consider a sport, there has to be a certain level of participation in a certain number of countries in order for a sport to be an Olympic sport.

    But I actually wouldn't be surprised if submission grappling eventually made it's way into the Olympics. I suspect it would be called submission grappling rather than BJJ, although BJJ practioners would obviously comprise a high percentage of the top athletes competing.

  9. Submission Grappling is now governed under USA wrestling. That's the first step. I think one day soon, we'll see submission grappling in the World Games. If it's successful, we'll see it in the Olympics. It's only a matter of time. But as far as BJJ, with a gi, I don't think so. Judo has that covered. But maybe we'll see BJJ guys trying out for and making it onto judo teams.

  10. I think with a few extra rules it would be cool. You could start them from the knees but Judo is really the same thing to an extent  with more stand up and quicker ground game

  11. Seeing the GRACIES never learnt jujutsu and were taught by a judo champion how would they announce it ?JUDO ground work Judo without stand up technique ?Very little audience appeal except for those you can appreciate the science of it.It would be like having 3 different wrestling events TURKISH //GRAECO ROMAN and CATCH AS CATCH CAN.

    How about we get rid of some of the non "sports" like synchronized swimming

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