
Will Barack Hussein Obama decorate the Whitehouse in a Tony Montana "Scarface" theme if elected?

by Guest33675  |  earlier

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Will Barack Hussein Obama decorate the Whitehouse in a Tony Montana "Scarface" theme if elected?




  1. quick....what is John McCain's middle name?????.....ticktockticktockticktockti... i dunno either.....

  2. get a life and some class. not everybody operates in that vein.  

  3. That would look hot

  4. Racist

  5. Sure he will right after you decorate your house in the colors of the Kenyan flag.  

  6. I'd rather have gold trim on the staircases then grip rails in McCains presidential bathtub

  7. I don't know but its better than having the smell of pee in it with all McCains pension buddys.  

  8. get a life.

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