
Will Barack Obama's bitter comments about rural, working class folks come into play towards the election?

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Is this proof that the guy is elitist or maybe that he just doesn't understand the voters in rural America?




  1. Republicans will twist any saying and will use any lie they can against Obama,

    following Karl Rove's advise: "Lie more, something will stick"

  2. They'll remember.  And as a soon to be gun owner, I'll remember too.  

    *** I just don't feel like being in a situation when my life depends on my marksmanship, and not having the skill/tools.  ***

  3. No, it's not. Why don't you hold your candidate to these same standards? I think you only see what you want to see and don't actually beleive your own arguments. If you did, you would complaining about both candidates but your not. Nice try, troll.

  4. Yeah, what an elitest. I mean the guy can't remember how many estates he has and thinks the middle class makes 5 million.

    Oh, wait...

  5. Not really

    I think that's the greatest comment I have ever heard.  It's so true.

    People do cling to Guns and Religion.  That IS the problem.

  6. Oh yes, these words will return to haunt him. As will his many "shady" associations. McCain really needs to start nailing him on this things.

  7. They will and he clearly doesn't understand the voters of rural American and that may cost him an election he should win easily..

  8. All of us elitist Rednecks are thinking it over.

    We like our guns and want the bible taught all day in school.

    We want to fly the Rebel flag over our state capital.

    We want Robert E Lee's birthday declared a national holiday.

    Obama is our kind of guy

  9. That;s the kind of things Obama says when he doesn't know he's being recorded.

  10. Probably.  It is ridiculous, because actually it means he does understand those folks better than they seem to understand themselves.  

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