
Will Barack Obama Win The Popular Vote And John McCain Win The Electoral College?

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Will Barack Obama Win The Popular Vote And John McCain Win The Electoral College?




  1. Probably. That's what has happened the last 2 elections, and it's because big number states [[electoral wise]] like Texas vote conservative and small number states like Alaska vote liberal. We can only hope!

  2. Yes, No.

    Only the wealthy want to see four more years of McSame.  Too many people are suffering from 8 years of "W".  McSame's continual support of the war and his lack of a plan to help the middle class spell his doom.

  3. Right now, Obama has the lead in both.  It will boil down to some key states like Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and other places that have fallen on tough economical times.

  4. Obama will win the popular and electoral vote. McCain just shot himself in the foot by picking Sarah Palin.

    And 38 million people watched Obama's speech on Thursday, more than the opening ceremony of the Olympics, obviously people are excited by him and it will most definitely translate into votes.

  5. very could well happen.

    Hillary won popular vote but obama bought enough of the super delegates to oust her.

    would only be fair if that happened to him now!

  6. It could happen.  The cities (strong in minorities and lower income, if any) will again try to compete with the vote of the "burbs" and the countryside residents.  I hope the dependent cities lose.  They tend to vote for their self-interest (receiving govt. checks), as opposed to doing what is in the best interests of this country.

    Who do we all think generally knows a little better and votes for what is best for America?  

    Think about it before jumping to some knee-jerk reaction fueled by misguided emotion and misinformation.

  7. No, Obama will win both. The Republicans underestimate the number of new voters the Obama campaign has registered!

  8. maybe but wait till novemeber. okay let just wait.

    i could be eather way.  

  9. Well, the electoral vote is all that matters, and, Yes, McCain will win. Watch and see!

  10. it would be fine with me

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