
Will Barack be able to repair my broken soul?

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Will Barack be able to repair my broken soul?




  1. he can help, but he can't help you indivisually (unless you ask him face to face)

  2. repair I dont know. He will tax it though.

  3.   Probably not, but It wasn't on his list of promises was it?

  4. hes cool !!! i wish i could vote but sadly new zealand citizens cant vote !!! :(

  5. Why does eveyone assume that policticians are miracle workers? Like, everyone expects Gordan Brown to fix the world's problems over night! Well, they are just human!

    As for repairing your broken soul:

    a. Do it yourself

    b. There is hope for america if there is the first black president.

    GO OBAMA!!

  6. no but i think they have a chicken soup book for that  

  7. You're looking for help in the wrong direction. Barack has bigger problems than you. And a whole lot more of them. Stand tall. Keep your head up. Find someone to help, if it's only giving them a friendly smile. There are lots of broken souls around you. If you have a broken soul yourself, it should help you recognize other folks like you who need a friendly shoulder to lean on.

  8. check out the Rev. Wright's form of Black Liberation Theology.  If you think that is going to save your soul, then Barry is your guy.  He and his "lovely" wife must believe what Wright taught to have stayed there 20 years and indoctrinated their children in it.    

  9. it is given to his barackness the ability to do all things, peace be

    upon him!

  10. no he'll break it more.

  11. No he'll tax the living **** out of it.

    Possession of Heart Tax: $86543886

    Broken Heart Tax: $745747546

    Complaining of Broken Heart Tax: $7375835

    Asking if Obama will fix a Broken Heart Tax: $65376375

    Being on Y!A Asking a Broken Heart Related Question Tax: $645778

    Free Thinker Tax / Not Supporting Obama Tax: $764838749487485686974469763216598436559

  12. First of all did he break it in the first place ??? THIS QUESTION DON'T MAKE A l**k OF SENSE TO ME ANYWAY!!!!


    OBAMA/BIDEN '08 !!!

  13. Of course. All of the poor people will be sipping JW Blue and living large if Obama wins.  

  14. Right after he turns the water into wine, you will be too drunk to worry about your soul.

    Give your soul to God, Obama will have your a$$

  15. Well, if it's Bush who broke it, McCain ain't doing any good fixing it!!

    And Yes: GO OBAMA!!!!!!

  16. no, but he  might tax it to death.

  17. You broke it, you fix it.


    Stop voting GOP.

  18. maybe

  19. I don't think so, he is going to be to busy looking for a job.  xox

  20. No.  If you bought it on a credit card, you have extra insurance.  Go see the maker for a refund.

  21. "Will Barack be able to repair my broken soul?"


    But duct tape can.

    Speaking from experience, here.  

  22. no, but he will break your bank account.

  23. I think that he has restored hope in a lot of people.  You could see it in the eyes of the people as they listened to his speech, and I could feel it in myself.  Things are going to get better with Obama.  

  24. Probably not, but at least he won't destroy what's left of the American economy the way that Mr. eight-houses-and-wealthy-wife will.

    McCain is a Bush clone, and has vowed to continue the road to ruin pursued by the current administration.

    It's easy to deny that there's a recession when your family and cronies are making billions at the expense of the American taxpayer.

  25. How do you fix a broken soul, may be a broken heart!

  26. No, that's not a job for the president.

  27. Your soul is never broken. He can set an example for you of what it is like to have it all together. He is a blessed man. Just look at the difference in conventions. One is a disaster & Barack's was magnificent. This is reflective of what happens when you are on the right spiritual path.

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