
Will Barack be allowed to smoke cigarettes in the White House?

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isn't against the law to smoke there? will he have to go outside to smoke...i know he supposedly quit, but when he was here in st. louis a few months ago, reporters asked him about it and he told them that he was still smoking marlboro's..what does this say about our future leader? millions of people quit smoking, yet this guy, this special man can't dredge up the will power to quit...odd huh?




  1. It might be illegal, but he will do it anyway.  He doesn't allow anyone to take his picture while he smokes.  He has to keep up his facade.  

    I'll vote for McCain to do my part to ensure he never reaches the White House.  Our own Manchurian Candidate.

  2. The messiah will do what he wants (God forbid he is elected)!  And in doing so mark my words smoking will become fashionable again.....that's libs for you.  we will control and take away your rights, but reserve the right to make our own rules that best suit or needs.

  3. he will probably be able to do whatever he wants and the idiots who voted him will embrace anything he does.... like the mindless drones they are.

  4. My guess is that its legal for him to smoke in the private residence at least.

    I think it would look pretty bad if the WH press started reporting that he was smoking in the public/office areas of the White House though, he probably will smoke outside even if it isn't illegal. The press will keep that sort of stuff quiet for the campaigns but eventually either someone will start a fuss if he smokes indoors, or reporters would just 'accidentally' mention it in an article.

    Also with regards to smoking inside the private residence- doesn't he have kids?

    He probably smokes outside already.

  5. yes..

  6. Smoking like a lot of other stuff is an adult choice and choice is all wrapped up in that freedom you all worship so much.

    Yet the democratic process has seen the people vote in what is fast becoming a 'nanny state', not unlike the UK where there is now one CCTV camera for every 11 people and with questionable benefits.

    Freedom has now become a process whereby if enough people don't like you doing something, then they can make it illegal and have you locked away.

    Your freedom is now a question of popular choice.

    Obama wont die of lung cancer during his term of office but you can bet that is anyone else does, we will see the biggest lawsuit in history.....

    'Whitehouse secondary smoke killed my son'

    Maybe Obama does not want to stop smoking.  Maybe there are a lot of things he does not want to give up. Maybe we should start measuring the ability of our leaders by the relevant credentials and not some health fad.

  7. Yeah, because of course smoking has a ton to do with whether or not a person can lead effectively.  It's addictive, if he still smokes that his problem, no yours.  Deal with it.

  8. Desperate, huh, Republican, now that you've left the country a total mess and your candidate keeps putting his foot in his mouth?

    Kinda makes you want to resort to smears rather than the issues?

    Obama has stopped, as did McCain, who smoked for 25 years. Nicotine is the most addictive drug known and it's normal to slip several times when you stop. And there are a h**l of a lot of Republican senators who smoke, quite brazenly, in the cloakroom. Funny how you never hear Republicans complain about that.

    Now, why don't you tell us why the former cigarette-smoking pot-smoking McCain wants to keep us in Iraq longer than even the *Bush White House,* which is now agreeing that troops should be withdrawn on something like Obama's schedule? Not to mention the mortagage crisis, the recession, $4/gallon gasoline, the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout, Osama running around in Pakistan, record deficits, plummeting dollar, jobs going to India and China, a president with something like a 25% approval rating and most people saying they're no longer Republicans . . .

  9. he will be "The Man"..he can do what he wants whether its against the law or not.......he will be "Above the Law"

  10. Yes.

    But Obama prefers Crack.

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