
Will Barry Geraghty stick with Punjabi?

by  |  11 years ago

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He’s ridden the horse for his last nine runs over hurdles and they’ve won a Champion Hurdle together. But is Punjabi the same horse this year? For that matter are any of the horses who were involved in the finish of last season’s Champion Hurdle that good anyway. The first six home have run 19 times since and won only two traces between them – and neither of those were any good?




  1. Punjabi is going to win, most people don't know what they are doing anyways, if they think punjabi is going to lose.

  2. Guest594
    Of course he will.Punjabi hasn't reached his peak this season and will shine at Cheltenham,prove all the critics wrong.Geraghty and Punjabi make a great team.Watch this space.....

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