
Will Barry Hall be a good boy tomorrow night? Who will win. And how many goals will Bazza kick??

by Guest66583  |  earlier

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I am holding off awarding best answer until after tonight's game. I think he'll be itching to take a swing at those annoying back-men and will go red in the face with rage and Roos will take him off for a spell on the bench until he calms down and I am tipping 4 goals 4 behinds for him. Hey he might punch out the Umpire!!! Wow that would be big in the News.




  1. Young kids look up to all their football idols some little boy out there would have Barry Hall as his idol so i think he should start playing and not being an idiot he knows the consequences he will cop if he plays up again he might not be so lucky next time

  2. Bad Boys can only pretend to be good!

    Only one for Bazza...

  3. Barry Hall better be a good boy otherwise the swanies are gonna lose him. I think he will kick 5 goals. Go Swanies!

  4. no he will probably not hit someone but he will be bad still and i think that he will kick 2

  5. Barry who? BaH

  6. **I don't think you need to worry about Barry doing anything he shouldn't.  He knows that he's made a few mistakes this year and I don't think he'd be stupid enough to throw anymore punches ... at least not this year!

    I think that Sydney will win and I think he'll kick about three goals.**

  7. Unless he knocks someone out again, i doubt he'll have an effect on the match. Maybe 2 goals for Bazza.

  8. firstly thanks for adding me

    secondly i think barry hall will act good tommorow coz i think his future at the club hangs in this match and h**l proavbly kick 2 or 3

  9. i reckon that the crows will win, we have a good record against the swans as of late.

    and bazza would most likely be manned up on by Ben Rutten. and in the last few matches between each other, rutten has got the better of him. so hall will get frustrated, but he wouldnt dare take a swing at rutten, he is an absolute unit.

  10. he'll be good, swans will win and he will have a blinder probly 5 goals

  11. Sydney 14. 13  - 97

    Adelaide 8.12  - 60

    Big bad Bazza will kick 3

  12. Big Bad Barry will try to be on his best behaviour tonight. After his 7 week suspension he didn't really do much or any punching at least. The media is going to be on his back all night too and they're not going to let a movement go past the cameras.

    I don't think he'll kick more than 3 goals, so maybe 2.

  13. hahahaahhaa good and barry hall don't go together

  14. Footy, don't ya just love it.  The Swans considered Hall Physcologically NQR and added to his AFL suspension.  Collingwood haters bagged Wakelin as weak for falling over, when Hall attempted to knock him out, and now the Swannies bring him back for the MORON'S game !

  15. Yes - may give away a few free kicks, but nothing like Staker or Wakelin incidents.

    Swans should win, easily

    2.1 for Barry

  16. Who knows

    Sydney will choke them to death


    I'll say Baz will kick 4 .2

  17. He better be a good boy or he won't be playing again! Sydney will win at home against a struggling Crows. I think Hall will kick one or two, I'm not expecting much from his first game back.

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