
Will Biden make S. Palin start to cry?

by Guest65467  |  earlier

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During the VP debates?




  1. She is one tough cookie, he may be the king of filabustering but she brings intregrety, tenacity, and good morals and values to the table.  Biden brings years of curruption and scandals to the table, shoot he even plagerized his speech during his run for Presidency years ago- crooked as they come.  She will uncover the fool he is.  

  2. That guy acts as if he thinks he's a bad guy She well take him apart. He reminds me of those old bald headed guys with pony tails hanging out around high school acting cool

    He looks as if he has not had a good 'sit down' in weeks

  3. I suppose that's the best you have to hope for...OOPS!!  No hope!!

    Palin is pretty good in the debate department.  Better do some background checking before you get a little too full of yourself.  My guess is, you'll be the one crying.

  4. Biden? Are you serious? No way will he make her cry , she is a genius

  5. Karl Rove is going to tell her to cry to gain support

  6. Considering Biden is on the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) whose stated goal is to erase American soverignty, what more"ammo" does Governor Palin need to prove that he is bought and paid for by the "monied interests" that our founders warned us about?

  7. No. The other way around!!!!

  8. More sexism eh?

    I bet she makes Biden cry or at least have another aneurysm.

  9. yeah right. she's a moose hunter. i don't think she's oversensitive.

  10. She better have a strong weapon to go against Biden,.,,

  11. I would hate to be her. She'll look jusr as bad as Quail did, though she is probably smarter.

    Do you think she will be fed the answer by a microphone like Bush was?

  12. This only proves that you know nothing about Palin...You are seriously in for a huge surprise

  13. No but she make him wish he had never seen her. she will wipe the floor with him  all she has to do is mention Bidin crooked brother and son who ripped that company out of millions of dollars, Remember she out to get the crooks..even if they are in her own party. whoa! !!! Now you want to re phrase your question.  

  14. Mrs. Palin  will neuter little Joe.

  15. Biden is going to make her cry - YES! I'm all for a woman President or VP but just not her!! I was going to vote for McCain but not anymore!  

  16. Yes, when she makes a fool of herself in the debates because of her lack of experience. Alternatively she might just walk off the stage

  17. He will make her cry, I will make her scream.

  18. Well, it's certain that he's going to smile that smarmy smile of his that makes so many people understand his overpowering arrogance (remind you of another Dem running for high office this year?) and that he'll have to exercise all the restraint of which he's capable (not much, I know) to not appear to be patronizing Palin.

    No matter, Palin will hold her own with The Lip. Just wait.

  19. Biden - 29 YEARS in the Senate....few accomplishments.

    Palin - 2 years as Governor- destroyed corrupt politicians, appointed Dems & Independents to her staff, cut taxes, increased state revenues, gave $$$ back to taxpayers, and delivered a $40,000,000,000.00 natural gas pipeline the old school Dems and Republicans couldn't deliver in 18 YEARS. Who's gonna cry??????

  20. Yes.

    Triggering another Chris Crocker video:


  21. I don't know if he'll make her cry, but regardless, he will eat her for breakfast considering that he started out in politics when she was still in diapers.

  22. other way around for sure.

    Dem's like to take cheap shots at McCain about his age... when its Biden  that can't seem to delivery one line without s******g it up.

    Biden can explain to the world his plan to divide Iraq into three separate counties for segregation or how he trashed Obama a few short months ago or how he endorsed McCain, etc. etc,.  and old double talking fool that will be made a fool of by a professional non-insider like Palin.

  23. She is coming into this election during the most intense period of the highest stakes campaign of my lifetime with absolutely NO warmup or preparation.  If she has ever addressed an international issue, I have yet to find it on the Internet.

    Even the smartest person in the world couldn't be prepared for what she is about to encounter and all the questions she will have to answer.  This is all going to happen LONG before she debates Biden, who is KNOWN for his ability to eviscerate an opponent.  The press will not let anything go by them.  I would feel sorry for her, but then the Mother in me doesn't understand how she could even consider accepting this while she has an infant with special needs, but let's hope she has a good wet nurse. (OK, I know that sounds petty, but honestly, who is bonding with this baby?  I guess Republicans only care about humans from conception to birth - from then on they're on their own.)

    She will have many gaffes she will be roasted for daily and already has today.  The campaign, I'm sure is already hard at work on how to spin all the possibilities, as even the most intelligent person in the world couldn't possibly not make some mistakes.

    It's gonna be interesting and also, I imagine, pretty sad whether you like her or not.

  24. I think the pompous ***, aka biden, may well self destruct in the debates.  No one likes the obnoxious, narcissistic know it alls.  De you?


    btw, do you have women?  Maybe just intimadated by them?

  25. I doubt Palin has a chance against Biden.

  26. I'm a democrat.  The worst thing the democrats can do is underestimate this lady.  Dems have to be careful about how they attack her.  Best thing they can do is focus on McCain so they don't make women voters mad.

  27. What a sexist, stupid remark.

    l think by choosing her the GOP slapped the American public in the face, if not the entire world, but that is not her fault.

    Gov. Plain deserves all the respect due her position.

    But perhaps she'll realize how much she is unqualified and do the necessary thing, which will be to resign.

  28. i do not think so you do not get to be governor by not being able to hold your own and crying  

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