
Will Blair be renowned in history books for s******g up the UK?

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And then Brown for doing a worse job?




  1. yes & he certainly should be put on trial for his war crimes.

  2. Without a doubt!Yes!

  3. History will treat him and Bush very well

  4. Probably

  5. yes he will share the same  rank has his predecessor that other

    blond  wanker thatcher. and brown the unelected.will follow.remember

    the 75p pension rise.they are ok with their fat indexed linked pension.the ruined this country between wander they went to church.i hope god sends them all to h**l.for what they have done.taking us to war and causing untold suffering.

  6. Yes, and I hope (as a war criminal, who turned our reputation into sh*t and oversaw the murder of Dr David Kelly, a loyal public servant) that he has many years in a prison cell to contemplate the point.

  7. No, u have to give it to him, he knew when to run and had the perfect fall guy to take the rap, good old Gordan! What a mug! Ten yrs waiting to be chief and end up being mugged off while Tony coins it in on the speech cercuit.  

  8. Blair will be remembered for taking us to war - an illegal war - where so many brave service personel have lost their lives.

  9. Yes he will. Blair fooled so many of the British public. He was such a sly shithead and has the blood of over 1 million human beings on his hand. The true heir to Thatcher. Brown isn't a great PM either but to be honest he is not worse than Blair.  

  10. I doubt it

  11. Yes he will be remembered as a liar and a war monger h**l bent on flattering his own ego. He's still cashing in on his fame and will do so until  they make him Lord Blair of Armageddon. He was worse than Thatcher at least she told the truth. If she said we were going to attack a country she made sure we all knew about it before hand. Blair who calls himself a Christian along with Bush dragged us into Iraq and made sure that all those young lives were wasted. How can he sleep at night?

  12. I hope so because he lied the UK into a war to protect Israel

  13. Abnsolute bollocks; get back to Conservative Central Office!

  14. I hope so. I actually think his mistakes in foreign policy have distracted attention from the damage done to the nhs and education.

  15. We'll have to wait for Brown, but I can't see how Blair could be blamed for s******g up.  The UK economy is taking a hit now, as are most economies around the globe, but the Blair years have been prosperous.  Look at the British Pound.  A few years before Blair took over, George Soros practically crushed the currency by himself.  Now, the British Pound is second only to the Euro in stability and value.

  16. Gordon Brown is doing a lot worse of a job,

    Blair will be renowned for the War,

  17. proberly, could be worse you could have had Bush instead of a bimbo that just did everything Bush told him to.


  18. Blair will go down in history as the man who took this country into an illegal war.

    Blair picked his moment to leave knowing full well that he was leaving a very messy legacy to Brown.

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