
Will Boris Johnson make a good mayor for London?

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Will Boris Johnson make a good mayor for London?




  1. He did look very scruffy at the Beijing Handover, but us British love that! It's funny. :P

  2. well he has certainly had a rocky start, so only time on this is going to tell. I had hoped that he wouldn't make such a bad start as he has had, and if i am really honest he looked really scruffy at the Beijing Olympics in the handover of the flag.

    Carina,    he has brains alright and is far more clever than most people give him credit for. Not just because of his background and education but having watched him now over a period of time, listened to him he is intelligent and very funny. Its certainly a refreshing change from that toady Livingston, who i remember of old from his prolifigate ways on the GLC

  3. he'll do a better job than the idiot he replaced

  4. He can't even run "Have I Got News For You" never mind a world city. A muppet of the first order.

  5. he's coming over as a goofy clown and I'm not at all sure how much, if any, brains there is behind that unkempt hair and scruffy appearance

  6. I don't think he's in the real world, so no he won't make a good mayor

  7. Yes. He has some good plans for london and he is going to make a good impact on London. especially the transport

  8. Time will tell. He makes enough noise and he needs and image change. We can understand he is eccentric but what about people from overseas?

  9. No.

    And not because of his carefully stage-managed "clown" image, which tries to disguise the fact that he is as manipulative, power crazed and scheming as the next Tory, but because he's not even a Londoner, and didn't want the job in the first place...he's was press ganged into it by Conservative high command because he's a media "celeb".


    'Course he is.

    Need I say more?

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