
Will Bruton Smith out drive NASCAR when he buys Pocono.?

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Will Bruton Smith out drive NASCAR when he buys Pocono.?




  1. There is no possibility of sale.  What do you mean by "out drive" NASCAR?

    Go Jr.>>>>

  2. The owners of Pocono refuse to sell out to anyone. To these brave owners, I salute thee.

  3. If he ever was able to buy it, I hope he wouldn't "out drive" NASCAR. I love Pocono.

  4. Pocono..NO SALE!

  5. What do you mean "when" he's been trying to do that for a while now. I don't see them selling out any time soon.

  6. I hope he buys Pocono. It Sucks.

  7. He'll buy out NASCAR and then every race will be at Las Vegas.

  8. the owners of pocono said they will never sell it

  9. Pocono's a family hierloom. There's no way it's going to be sold.

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