
Will Bush Give the OK to Israel to Attack Iran to Bolster McCain/fear Before the Election in November?

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It looks like a RNC slam dunk ploy. Like Reagan/Carter and the hostages in Iran before.




  1. I hope they bomb Iran, Iran is up to no good. They want to become a country that has nuclear weapons and i bet they will sure as h**l use it. I would feel safer if Israel Bombed Iran. I wish we were like Israel.  

  2. Israel fights when it feels threatened.  They're a sovereign nation and command their own military.  Bush has nothing to do with it.  It takes a moron to believe that Israel will sacrifice it's own men for the benefit of an American political party.  Unfortunately Yahoo Answers is full of morons.

  3. You mean, will israel give George permission to attack Iran on their behalf!

  4. He might you never know what one keeps up his sleeve

  5. Who knows, it is up to Israel, if they feel threatened of course they will and start WW III.  What if they do it after Obama gets in? or McCain?

    Get your history right, the hostages in Iran were there for 444 days.  Carter did nothing but try to reason with them.  Reagan told them, if the hostages are not in the air by the time he is sworn in, they would be bombed into the stone age.

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