
Will Bush and Al Gonzales hide in the same cave as Saddam to avoid war crimes trial?

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Will Bush and Al Gonzales hide in the same cave as Saddam to avoid war crimes trial?




  1. 1) Saddam never hid in a cave, he hid in a hole.

    2) Before either Bush or Gonzales become worried enough to do that, somebody has to find some credible "war crimes" charges to throw at them.  And that isn't likely to happen.

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  2. "I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office."

  3. George Bush will be convicted of high crimes against humanity and take over the cell previously occupied by John Gotti.

    d**k Cheney will be convicted but since he believes in torture that will be added to his penality. However, no amount of pain can make up for the misery Cheney created for the world.

    Al Gonzales will serve out his sentence in a mental hospital.

    Ronald Dumbsfield and and fellow henchmen Asscroft will not go to jail. This is America and we have the insanity plea.  

  4. Sorry, but Bush will never be subjected to any kind of trial. Get used to the idea.

  5. Nope.

    Only in your dreams.

  6. no, they have much fancier caves.

  7. What crimes?

    You should also include all of Congress that voted FOR the war.

  8. The only crime I was aware of was not using bigger bombs.

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