
Will Bush lovers,and some Republicans,have the same sympathetic attitude towards Obama?

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if he becomes president and makes the same mistakes the Bush did? Did they have the same sympathetic attitude towards Bill Clinton when he was president and made mistakes?

I hear them saying things like “He should be respected because he had some hard decisions to make.He’s had lots of things happen during his time in office.”

Yes,I understand that,but his job as president is to do make decisions that benefit the people of the country not s***w them over and start a war by lying to the people that elected him.

So if Obama had the same things happen to him during his time in office,and he made stupid decisions,will these sympathizers side with Obama and say that he should be respected?

Also,what’s with calling Democrats and anyone who doesn’t agree with Bush anti-American? Anyone who criticizes Bush and speaks out against the war is suddenly anti-American?

Didn’t the Republicans constantly criticize Bill Clinton when he was president? They impeached him for lying about getting a bl0wjob.

Will they not constantly criticize Obama if he becomes president? Can I call people like Sean Hannity anti-American when they start criticizing Obama?




  1. If Obama becomes president he will be the president of my country. I will respect him as such. If he tries to do things I do not agree with, I will oppose him. But I will be the loyal opposition who loves America foremost.

    How many Bush bashing liberals will make a statement like that?

  2. no after the disrespect they have shown this president and country the last 8 years I will never show a democrat any respect.

  3. i'll have sympathy for him when he loses,for about a minute.

  4. Hmmmm...I wouldn't hold your breath while waiting for that. You might die.

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