
Will Bush provoke Armageddon by aggressing peaceful Iran?Will Freedom believing Americans stand up against it?

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...or do they blindly believe the ''coffee news shows'' propaganda that edits with ultimate wrongful intentions the Iranian president' speeches?...i hope they get wiser then that!...else where going down...were already in a big ugly downfall...there couldn't be a clearer need for a change in direction...




  1. Have a joint and listen to some reggae...     NOW!

  2. I have lived in several countries and was born in the USA and I love my country! BUT. I have come to realize that most americans are SHEEP, they just follow and believe what the local media and politicians do, why is it? In other countries if the goverment officials are corrupt the people will protest/march by the tens of thousands, but here in my beloved country (US) we just tend to complaint to ourselves but do nothing else. and I think thats what the politicians count on to keep hurting our Nation.  We used to be such a respected nation, Powerfull, good, that the whole world looked up to us, yet know it seems we are hated by most nations, our economy is in the toilet, and you see our politicians affiliated with all these corrupt individuals that are getting busted for their crimes, some of them even get pardons for it. and I'm talking about both parties, What type of exam,ple are we sending to the country and the world.   Sorry about my ranting, but im sure im not the only one feeling more and more this way with every passing day.

    As I said before, I'm not mentioning any particular political group, it seems they all are guilty of this.


    I just want the US to be the most powerfull nation in the world, not by having the biggest bombs, but by having the best technology, scientist, doctors, best education, best living standards and being respected and admired again..

  3. "Peaceful Iran"?

    Sure, they just want nuclear weapons, and long range missiles. And kill political dissidents, oh and homosexuals and AIDS patients.

    Bush won't get war with Iran, but to suggest that Iran is a peace loving nation governed by great guys is hilarious.

  4. Okay I will play....

    If you think Iran is a peaceful nation and are only developing a nuclear reactor for electricity, you are the idiot not any of us. Truthfully this post was made just to get a reaction and you know what the full truth is..... hopefully. If not, oh well I guess you can live with your stupidity.

    Also of course it isnt true Iran is supporting Iraqi extremists. We are making this up also.

    Also I thought it was amazing how Iran finely had the technology to started making a Nuclear reactor after we took over Iraq. I wonder where that technology (weapons of mass destruction) went that Iraq had before we took them over.... Duh! Naw I guess I just believe that was just a HUGE coincidence.

    Well there you go... I gave you the reaction you wanted. Did you have fun?

    ****As for the next post Mike Q.******************

    I agree with a couple things you stated even though I believe what I believe above. Most Americans are ignorant and believe what they are told. Most countries that have a lot of technology (media outlets) have a problem with this. The TV takes up a lot of time for most Americans and we gain most of our views from that. Thats a problem, however, most American can't see that. As for our politicians. I agree with you. It seems like most policians now have forgotten what is most important.... serving the whole country and making the whole country better. Most politicans focus on just their selfish needs or their individual party. When that happens progress does not occur.


  5. Please shut your mouth your dumbing down the rest of the sleeping nation that has no clues of islamic facisim. Last thing we need is for some moron to think that Iran is a peaceful nation, do you believe in Santa Claus too. Hopefully we will never see the horrors that an Iran with a nuclear weapon would do, and it wil be because of this great country that actually allows you speak your traitorous words. You should be kissing the ground you walk on you live here and not places like Iran.

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