
Will Calcium make my teeth stronger?

by  |  earlier

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If they are already weak, can they be made stronger with calcium or is it too late?




  1. Hi,

    It depends on couple of factors :

    1. How old you are.

    2. If you have already passed the growth period, higher Calcium intake now will not make any significant difference.

    3. That is why your intake is supposed to be ideal while you are growing up.

    4. If you are a teenager, you should still be able to get some benefit with Calcium supplements.

    5. If you are older than 19 or 20, increased intake of Calcium supplement will prevent further damage, but it will not increase the density of your bone or teeth that much.

    6. Oscal or Fosamax kind of medications claim to increase the bone density. However, those come with own side effects and the actual significance in improving dental health is yet to be determined.

    You can refer to to look up more information.

    Hope this helped :)

  2. No its not too late. They can be made stronger with Calcium. Calcium makes bones stronger & teeth is bone so yeah.

  3. calcium helps 2 make strong bones right?

    ur teeth r bones right?

    so i guess so lol

  4. No it's not too late, calcium is much needed to strengthen your teeth and bones. Take a calcium supplement and eat plenty of milk, cheese, yogurts etc.

    You don't want to risk losing your teeth due to a poor diet, not in this day in age.

  5. Heck yeah girl! you better start on that calcium before its to late

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