
Will Canada win more medals than Michael Phelps?

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Phelps would be #13 in the rankings, Canada is #47 with all the other medal less countries.




  1. I doubt it, Michael Phelps is wayy 2 good and Canada suxx at the olympics

  2. LOL, yes Canada will.

    There's still 2 weeks left in the games and Canada has a couple of medal contenders still left to compete. Phelps will garner 8 medals but Canada should walk away with double that at least. 80% of the medals have yet to be awarded.

    You Canucks crack me're contenders are coming up.

    Good luck.

  3. according to a recent popular US Article.  L.A. Times

    What's Canadian?

       1. It's big cold empty country. When there are trees, the trees go on for a thousand miles. Where there are prairies, the prairies go on for a thousand miles. It can be thirty below in Winnipeg through much of December, all of January and February, and part of March--and the wind blows from the north the whole time. But: Canada is primarily an urban country, out of contact with those vast landscapes. By far the vast majority of Canadians live together in cities, huddled together in tightly packed places dropped down in the middle of the vast empty landscapes, trying to keep warm together. Northrop Frye talks about Canadians as possessed of a "garrison mentality": we are so frightened by the oppressive vastness and threatening dangerousness of our natural landscape that we build walls against it, and hide behind the walls, in fortified garrisons of the mind. We see the natural world as something that's out to get us. Americans look at a big empty space and say, "Hey, great, let's get busy and conquer it and turn it into a city." Canadians look at a big empty space and say "I'm frightened, so let's get together and build a wall and hide ourselves from the big ugly natural world before it gets us and does us in."

       2. As a variation on this, Margaret Atwood once developed a theory of Canadians as, basically and eternally, victims. The world is cold and big and bleak and out to get us, and we are little and weak. We internalize this, Atwood suggests, and believe that everyone and everything is out to get us. We see ourselves as victims, little people in the control of vast forces. We tend to be depressed about it all, and unconvinced of our general ability to control anything or anyone. We never get to the last of the victim stages Atwood outlines: to refuse to become victims, and become creative non-victims.


    Summer games is the "real" Olympics.

    Greece did not start the olympics on slush.

  4. The problem is that if you live in Canada you feel like a winner, and it's hard to get motivated after that

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