
Will Cedar Point be busy on June 16 (monday) and June 17 (tuesday)? What rides should I go on first?

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I'm going to Cedar Point on June 16 & 17. This will be my first time going. What should I expect. Will there be long lines? What rides should I go on first and last? What ride is the best?




  1. once school is out cedar point is more packed on the weekdays. it just wont be as packed as on the weekend. ride the rides with the shortest lines first. then when you want to wait you will be ready for a break.

  2. Well im going on June 21nd and u can start with anyone u really doesn't matter...but if u r going right when it opens then u might wanna go on the more popular ones first u like the huge roller coasters???..if so then get in line for the millinum first then the Mavrick next cuz that one is new and will get a huge line!

    = )

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