
Will China's Women's Gymnastics team's gold medals be taken away from them because they are UNDERAGED?

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I was just watching the gymnastics for the uneven bars, and He Kexin got gold when Nastia Liukin got silver. (Yeah, it happened a while ago, but I didn't get to see it till now.) Still, the thought of the Chinese girls being underaged just came rushing to my head. Why is the IOC being so ignorant about this situation? We already have proof that they're not of qualifying age! So what's the problem? I don't understand!!!!!!

Plus. I don't think their whole tie breaking procedure is right. They both got the same score...*exhales sharply* d**n judges...





  1. I sure hope so!! The whole country of China is lying about these girls' ages by putting fake ages on passports and stuff so these underage and illegal girls can compete. All the other countries are playing by the rules except for stinkin China, and it makes me furious. Hopefully we can prove they're underage and get their medals taken away!  

  2. no

  3. Will Phelps' 8 Gold medals be taken away due to his doping?

  4. I agree that there should be ties.

    But, He Kexin deserved the gold as much as Liukin did. Anyway, they have the passports to prove that she's 16.

  5. THEY ARE NOT UNDERAGED! yes it is totally unfair that china keeps freakin cheating america out of their much deserved medals in gymnastics. you have to be 16 in the olympic year there 15 and there bdays are later this year!

  6. I hope so because they are underaged and to the idiot who said phelps is doping, hes not you idiot. He gets tested everyday.

  7. No. How could it be?:-)

  8. 1) Unfortunately, we don't have proof. Things like birth certificates aren't exactly a common practice or standardized in places like China. So it's possible the old birthdate for her was wrong. Even if it wasn't, at this point it is a coverup at the highest of government levels in China, so it would be impossible for the IOC to get solid proof, since they have no real power.

    2) The IOC likely won't even try to find out the truth, as they already are rather embarassed that China duped them on all the promises on how Beijing would be when the Olympics rolled around, as well as the fact they would be investigatign the host country who is supposed to be an upstanding member of the international community. If they investigated and found evidence, they'd be proving they were duped again. If they investigated and didn't find evidence, everyone would claim they don't have the power to enforce their own rules. If they don't investigate, they can just lean on the evidence they already have that they are 16, and all anyone can say is that they chose to turn a blind eye. Under those three possibilities, ignoring it is probably the best for the IOC, even if it does give them a black eye, because it does the least damage to them and is most likely to be forgotten quickly.

  9. I don't think their medals will be taken away, but they definitely are underage, (and there is proof of this).

    This will probably go down as one of the greatest (or worst, for that matter) Olympic controversies of all time.

  10. there is proff... there a newpaper quoting she was 13 9 month ago.... they broke the rules.... they should be striped of the medals because its china lying.. not the girls not the gymnast.... they dont need to cheat to be the best... its ridiculs how they think they need to be dominate over everything... every country has ther special events... but china seems to good for that... they may have the medals but no one will ever forget and give them the respect...

    they will never find out because china can change there age to be legal no matter what....

    i always say everything will be better and back to normal in london...

    but even the judges have major point issues apartently no one knows how to judge

    not all the girls are underage.. 2-3 are deffinatly.. the girl that are 15 ok theres is only 1!!!! and she should of one over both of them... but she got 3rd

    china seems very desperate this way..... its rly ashame

    Everyone needs to chill out.... everyone knows china is underage and infact are breaking a olympic rule... so ya ethicly should be striped of there team medal and  the individual event the underage girls medal in...

    d**n look at china government... its not the girls fault.. they do what there told... they only see there family 3-4 days a year...

    every one should blamn china not there gymnast because they should be that good for being in INTENSE training camps at the age of 3

    but overall ever country has there own government and they all come to the games to compete fairly... and they come knowing the rules and sadly china is to desperate to loose an event on there own soil...  its rly fustraiting.... it rly is.... to all country not just the USA who seem to be right on the other end of that short stick


    Why does it matter that much to YOU?

    I'm an American, but I'm Chinese. I'm 14 but people have mistaken me for TEN. And my dad is well into his 40's and people think he's like 25.  

  12. They should be stripped of their medals, yes, but the Olympic Officials are obviously choosing not to only because it's China. Their birth dates  from entry forms to Passports were changed up a year, even two in one case to make them eligible for competing (there is proof of this).

    It doesn't matter if they deserve the medal's or not, cheating is cheating and by doing so, they are ruining the good nature of what the Olympics are supposed to stand for.

  13. I have answered about 100000000 questions on the same thing already but thanks for the points

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