
Will China going to be a Democratic state? When?

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Will China going to be a Democratic state? When?




  1. China is moving toward a hybrid system of Capitalism economically and Communism socially.

  2. Capitalism does not equal democracy

    If it did then America would be a democracy which it is not never was and never intended to be

    As the above poster stated China will be, and in fact already is, a modified form of communism that allows for free enterprise within certain guidelines with the government being a big big portion of that free market

    If your business competes with theirs yours will be absorbed by theirs

  3. I think that the people of China would like that, but once a group of people obtain power they are very reluctant to give it up!  It usually takes a civil war & I don't happen to think that the people of China are quite ready for that sort of action.  They don't have the arms to take on the army of China, so they are going to have to be content with what they have for the time being.  For the most part, most of the Chinese are better off under Communism than they were before!  Of course the youth of the country want more freedom, but the government has lessened it's hold on the people a great deal lately.

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