
Will China win more gold medals than the U.S. in the 2012 London Olympics?

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I thought it was self-evident that this was an opinion question, but I guess not.

So, I'll specifically state: this question requires speculation.

If you can only answer in cold hard facts, this isn't the question for you!




  1. Yes I think so

    as China is very strong in individual sports and there are more gold medals to be won in individuals than teams.

    But American will still the the best in any team sports, which is not likely to change...

  2. I'd say yes unless the US government starts paying big money for medals.  How can you compete against a communist country that tests 3-5 years old and takes them from their parents?

    The old Soviet Union use to dominate the Olympics.  Why should China be any different using the same state-run sport schools?

  3. :o Only time will tell. But I think that China may beat USA in gymnastics and diving (if they use 16 year olds this time -_-)  

  4. Umm... You might want to try I understand they can help with questions of this sort... You know like reading the future and stuff? How would we know silly?!

  5. Great Britain might win the most gold medals since they have home team advantage.

  6. yes

  7. My Magic 8 Ball says "ask me again later".


    hee hee...

  8. ask me in 4 years

  9. It's pretty much given that China will not win as many gold as 2008 since they won't have home field advantage, but I think it's depended on whether US can reestablish itself on Track and Field events. US traditionally did pretty well on track and field but is not doing well this time around.

  10. great britain will probably do well. if china works hard enough, there is a good chance.

  11. perhaps, a country that does well at their home olympics often does very well at the next... as all the investment in training often has long term benefits... I think their success at these games will give China a boost... I reckon they'll be after the overall tally as well in 2012..

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