
Will Christians that speak the Truth that homosexuality and abortion are a sin be increasingly persecuted?

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There is a noticeable escalation of hostility towards Christians who speak openly against same s*x marriage, homosexuality, abortion and the like from the media and other groups. What do you see happening in the next ten years or so. Will it become a crime? Will people be jailed for speaking the Truth? Will churches lose their tax status for speaking out? What do you think?

(please, no hate speech, or hate answers, real answers please)




  1. No. It's just considered wrong, just like slavery, trying to prevent women from voting, and trying to ban interracial marriages.

    Eventually, the majority of people will realize that homophobia is wrong.

  2. Just because you think that homosexuals deserve to die does not make it a sin to be a homosexual and dont say you dont want them dead here is the proof.

    Leviticus 20:13

    If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; there blood is upon them.

    There is nothing wrong with there sexual desires and as for you thinking that abortion is wrong you must first prove that conscious life starts at conception.  Until you do this you cannot claim it is wrong.

  3. of course they wont stop persecuting Christians for stating that  abortion and homosexuality are bad any one who tries to "take away freedom" is a bad guy i can tolerate homosexuality but abortion should be substituted for adoption. so no i don't believe   any of this will top if anythign it will escalate

  4. There's something called free speech but in time more and more people will realize the ridiculousness of their accusations that homosexuality is a sin/wrong.

  5. Hostility is not persecution.  Perhaps you should consider that what you're saying is hostile and morally wrong.  People are sick of Christian hypocrisy and persecution of things they have decided are "sinful."  You don't hold the patent on morality.

    Truth has nothing to do with Christianity,  And churches should lose their tax-free status if they are going to meddle in temporal laws.  

  6. At my school now, in the student code of conduct, the rules do mention alot on how noone will be prejudiced on "sexual orientation" among other things. I don't think Christians will be persecuted in the next ten years for this, that would just be inhumane. But because the U.S. is focused on trying to become unified, no matter how different we all are, it is definitely something that will still be frowned upon.

  7. Well people have already tried to pass laws forbidding speaking against homosexuality (to include preaching inside a church).  And I'm not 100% certain, but I think a law like that got passed in Canada already, I could be wrong on that though.

  8. Interesting question, and I don't know.

    I do know that our church will continue teaching the bible, though, without compromising it.

  9. I think you it will become a crime and truth and righteousness will increasingly become a target of hate.

  10. When you apply your standards of morality based upon a book that was written by men in order to control the masses, and call that truth, people are going to get just a little bit testy about that.

    But until someone walks up to you and sticks a gun in your mouth and says watch me perform lewd homosexual acts and then accompany me and perform my abortion, you have not been persecuted

    for your beliefs.You've merely been told to mind your own business.

  11. this is a real answer, but i totally disagree with your ascertation that it is the "Truth." it's political rhetoric from several thousand years ago that someone decided to attach to a "holy book" to make people scared to be g*y because some bigot way back when found it despicable. if you don't like homosexuality, then that's your business. but to persecute others for your disdain is not the best way deal with it IMO. i do agree with you about abortion, it is still killing another human life, but speaking out about it won't make abortion go away. to answer your question as to whether people who speak out should be jailed, no. its unconstitutional.

  12. What does any of that self righteous nonsense got to do with sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ?

    Finger pointing and screeching sinner does nothing to keep a sinners attention, that's why they go on sinning..

    You are not their judge, Christ is. Tell them more about Him and less about how you "feel" about this, that, and everything else...

  13. No one is going to throw you in jail... they just won't agree with you.

    I'm allowed to disagree with you... especially when I've made up our own mind on the topics and my views are the more loving and humane views.

  14. i don't know what kind of christians you're meeting or churches you're going to. most of them have g*y priests and think homosexuality is fine. it's pathetic they try so hard to be liked by everyone else and they want people to think they are "accepting" so they go against their own bible and religion.

    i don't think it will be a crime everyone will just hate them.

    edit: oh don't even start glee, how could compare a RACE that god created (blacks) to a sexual orientation that humans created themselves. how disgusting and stupid of you. if a man was supposed to like men he would've been born a woman. god doesn't make mistakes.

  15. no they will not be jailed and it will not be a crime to have your own opinion. i think churches will lose their tax status because they are talking about a political issue, and non profit organizations cannot do that.

  16. I don't understand why people are against same s*x marriage and homosexuality? It does not effect you. No one is harmed.

    Someone else referred to changing of the times, as at one time it was considered right to have: slavery, not to let women vote etc. I believe in time same s*x marriage and homosexuality will be increasingly accepted.


  17. B.S.

    Yeah, like those poor KKK members are so persecuted for speaking the "truth" that "race treachery " is a sin?  

    Churches should not have tax exempt status in the first place.  

  18. I don't think policies like this have anything to do with a church's tax status.  I think it is also covered within the first amendment, so you do have to worry about legal persecution.  I'm sure KKK members feel the same way you do when they "speak out the truth" about minorities.

  19. no they have always felt that way

    but it is "the truth according to the bible"

    not according to everyone

    you should be specific

    as not every one agrees that the bible is the truth

  20. i believe that its right to pray for them first. then speak if questions are asked. but speak in love, toward reconciliation, not condemnation.


    and pray too about your concerns of any future impositions upon the church at large.


  21. It's not a sin. christianity is a lie. The bible is a lie. All man-made religion is a lie.

    Open your heart to the true Love of God. It's time to take off the shades and see clearly.

    God is Love, Love is God.

    Trust Love.

    Peace, love, calm and positivity to all.

  22. Mankind will become enlightened, realize that God's true nature is pure Love, and therefore realize that two people in love are closer to God than others who hate them for it.

    Sin by the way is just a man made concept. The infinite, eternal Creator of the billions of souls on this planet and the trillions upon trillions of planets around the universe cares only that we treat each other with love. Everything else is a rule made by man and not by God.

  23. find this question very strange....

    since the dawn of time until the late 1960's or so all of that question was wrong/ wrong/ wrong.....

    what changed that made wrong right and right wrong??

    what happened that the church and God and decency are the bad?

    what happened that s**t and wrong is the goal in life?

  24. Quote: (please, no hate speech, or hate answers, real answers please)

    Because when you speak out against a person's sexual preference or a woman's right to choose, both of which that have NOTHING to do with you, that's 'not hate speech'. It's doing God's work, right?

  25. I don't see this happening because of that whole pesky "freedom of speech" thing.  I mean, the KKK have the right to gather (and heck, they claim to be Christians) so I sincerely doubt that churches will lose their tax status or people will be jailed for expressing their opinion - UNLESS they do so militantly - i.e. bombing abortion clinics, killing g*y folks.  As these are HATE CRIMES then I think those people should be punished and I hope they will continue to be.

    Also, please remember that this is not a Christian nation so even though your religion teaches that these things are wrong you cannot control the legal processes.  I know the state of US public education is depressingly poor (and yes, NCLB did not do a d**n thing to help this) but just read the Treaty of Tripoli (it clearly states this is not a Christian nation) and learn a little.  

    Not to be a hater, but since this country has no religious affiliation, I do not think that you necessarily speak the truth, at least not the truth of what the laws should be.

  26. Probably...but you know, here's the thing:  What's so wrong with a Christian being courteous and kind towards both parties mentioned in your question; while disagreeing with their choice??  Too often, Christians (especially on this site) come out with all kinds of hate towards these two, which in and of itself is a violation of Christ's command to "love others as you love yourself."   If we break one commandment, we've broken them all, right?  Who cares about persecution when most Christians can't be sincere and loving in the first place!

  27. <<Will Christians that speak the Truth that homosexuality and abortion are a sin be increasingly persecuted?>>

    It's no accident that, for the most part, spiritual virtues are considered earthly vices, and spiritual vices considered earthly virtues.

    <<There is a noticeable escalation of hostility towards Christians who speak openly against same s*x marriage, homosexuality, abortion and the like from the media and other groups. What do you see happening in the next ten years or so.>>

    Tensions between diametrically opposing sides always increase at the height of the election cycle. As so often happens, people will calm down once the election is passed.

    <<Will it become a crime? Will people be jailed for speaking the Truth? Will churches lose their tax status for speaking out? What do you think?>>

    Assuming we're talking about America:

    No, the expression of opinion will not become a crime.

    No, peopel will not be jailed for speaking the Truth.

    No, Churches will not lose their tax exempt status.

    All of the above are Constitutional impossibilities.

  28. Yes, we intend to do to them as they did to one another during the Reformation.  We are very much on the look out for Christians who are candidates for burning, breaking on the wheel, disemboweling, flogging, and decapitating.  Oh, wait, these are the things Christians do to those who disagree with them.  Wow!  Almost fell into it there.

  29. Lol darling Puh-LEESE. You are being persecuted? You mean WE are being persecuted. No one knows I am bi because I am afriad to be called a ***. My mom said that if she ever found out something like that for her child she'd send them to therapy. YOU need to get over yourself and stop playing victim. I don't really give a d**n about your so called "truth". Abortion is abortion nothing but a 6-12 week fetus and their is NOTHING wrong with homosexuality. Don't like it? Don't look.

  30. The hostility often demonstrated by Christians toward the world is inexcusable.  You can't scream/beat people to Jesus.  You must love your neighbor and though you must speak the truth, speak it in love.  

         I am a Chriostian and though I don't agree with one of my friends choices to declare herself bi, I chose to accept her as who she is, and though she knows where I stand on the subject, we can remain friends because we are tolerant of eachothers beliefs.  

  31. I think so. I think as we get closer to Jesus' return Christians are going to become more persecuted in general everywhere in the world. Already, there are groups trying to prevent churches from speaking out against same-s*x marriage, homosexuality, abortion, etc. What saddens me is that we don't see enough churches also speaking out against murder, adultery, pornography, and other sins. In fact, fewer and fewer churches and denominations are mentioning sin at all, as though God doesn't judge us for our sins, that He apparently just loves everyone and ignores sin. Yes, God IS Love, but He's also a Judge and He PROMISES judgment for sin.

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