
Will Christians vote for Obama? He has basically blasphemed the Holy Spirit making fun of the Christian Bible?

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    Have you ever seen the whole speech and not just the parts that *** used in his video?

    Saying that your religion shouldn't control the government is NOT making fun of it. Dear God, you people are making me sick.  

  2. It's not enough to call him the antichrist, is it?

    The last thing the United States or the world needs is another president elected on religious grounds or because of religious objections to another candidate.  For unGod's sake, try voting on actual issues.

    EDIT--compared to other reasons I have seen for not voting for Obama, I can actually respect the person who said he's voting for McCain because Obama supports abortion and g*y marriage.  I disagree with her position, but at least it's voting based on an actual issue.

  3. You should hope he can get your country out of the mess it's in.  Religion has no place in politics.

    Unfortunately, I don't think the powers that be, will allow Obama to make any decisions anyway.

  4. Um, I fail to see how those books were taken out of context.  Leviticus and Deuteronomy do condone slavery and disowning your children if they stray from God.  They also say people should be killed for many things that today we laugh at the notion of them even being against the law.  

    With that asside, do you vote for someone based solely on their religion?  I vote for a candidate based on their stances on the big issues, not who they pray to.  I'm sure many Christians will still vote for Obama.

  5. No Jesus doesn't hate black people in fact he was jewish. i wont vote for him or any other president but what makes me mad is black people voting for him just because he is black. he is not going to change anything neither is McCain or Hillary wake up America have you figured it out by now. im not racist either.

  6. Uh, ever thought maybe he has a good point?

  7. you are aware that the bible is total S**t right?

  8. If he wants to do good or our country let it be. But gives him no right to put down our savior. Obama should never look down on our christ or what Jesus has said.

  9. Intelligent people will vote for Obama. Religion is irrelevant.

    You would have to be a fool to vote for McCain, especially now that he has chosen a running mate with only 18 months of experience. He is pretty old and has had several bouts of cancer... when he dies in office, look who would be our leader!  

  10. I believe many Christians will. He has charisma, and is a good speaker. I think moist will vote their pocket book. I am a Christian. I won't vote for him. I vote based on moral issues.  

  11. I wont vote for Obama because if he gets his way you can say goodbye to any economic recovery they are forecasting right now.

    Why do people think liberal policies and more gvt programs are the answer?????????????????

    McCain is too liberal already!  With Obama, anyone that likes their money should be very worried.

  12. He didn't make fun of the Bible. Just people's hypochrisy.

  13. My family is Christian and were supporting Mccain cause Obama is too liberal!


    g*y marriage and abortions  

  14. After all the c**p with GW being a "Christian" and what he's done to this country, I don't want to hear one thing out of the damned Good Ol' Boys mouths about religion. Keep it OUT of politics.

  15. He said ideas like stoning your children and slavery probably aren't the greatest ideas to implement into public policy.

    And you are a proponent of these?

  16. Yes, Christians will vote for Obama.  And saying that he blasphemed the Bible is a reach.  Any serious student of the Bible can find passages of in the Bible which seem to contradict another passage in the Bible.  And which Christian Bible are you referring to?  The Catholic one with the extra seven books or the Protestant one that leaves them out.  If all of Christendom is not in agreement on what should be in the Bible then how can one passage be held higher than another?  This gets into serious religious arguments which spawned bloody wars in Europe.  Obama is saying that tolerance should be the key and that will promote peace.

  17. This one will not. I have seen his speeches, and I highly suspect his racial and religious tolerance. Also, from his Berlin speech I am certain that he is into the one world thing, including one government and one religion.

  18. Yes, many, many will.

    Those of the "prosperity gospel", the "feel good" and Lukewarm gospels will.   Those who think they can behave as they wish and still be protected by God's grace will.  Most assuredly.

    Mr, Obama certainly has a large following and many supporters, we can not take that away from him.

    The "fundy", the "hardcore" and those who practice the word of God in daily life will not be fooled.

    The only thing to be seen is...........which number of us are the greatest at this time in history.

  19. doesn't jesus hate black people?

    I'm voting for Obama and counting the days until Mccain's old *** dies.

  20. I saw no blaspheme nor mocking of the Bible.  I will vote for Barack Obama.

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