
Will Clinton Democrats Put America First?

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as an independent I am making an appeal to Hillary supporters to join us to take America back----to stand for the things that are best for our nation----to go after the ticket that is most likely to work in a bipartisan manner to turn our economy around and make the changes we need for better economic growth and energy independence.

Will You? Will you stand with us to Unite our country?

Isn't National unity much more important than Party Unity?




  1. " more likely to work in a bipartisan matter"

    McCain has a far better record of working with the other party than Obama and Biden combined.

  2. All those I know are.P.U.M.A. McCain /Palin

  3. I am a Clinton supporter who will be voting for Obama.

  4. I am voting for the person, I am voting for John McCain.  I am an Independent who has usually voted Democrat.  But I have no trust in Obama, his shady characters his associations.   He is too sketchy to believe in.  Not to mention he is way to the left for me.

  5. you should ALL watch this video.

    obama is definitely a fraud

  6. The republicans have only one issue - regulating private lives to distract from public policy so they can sell the country from under our feet. It's working pretty well to focus on regulating the working class woman's uterus, and their goal is to outlaw any education about ovulation, fertility and contraception to make sure women have at least ten pregnancies.

    A vote for republicans is a vote to continue selling our country to the highest bidder, would render the Pledge of Allegiance meaningless, and would outlaw the word liberty in the Pledge of Allegiance, the 4th of July's Declaration of Independence and the Statue of Liberty. Flag pins will continue to be important and will take on the same meaning as swastikas.

  7. McCain/Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. National unity huh? Too funny. Are we now wearing our American hats?

    Seems to me if you need to take off your Republican hats to deal with a natural disaster then your not really putting America first. If you really did there would be no need for a Republican hat.

    Have a nice day.

  9. I'm in.  Obama would be a horrible mistake for our country.  I would never vote for such a phony and a fraud.

  10. As a Hill Dog fan..

    I moved on to McCain/Palin =D

  11. We always do.

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