
Will Conservatives support President Obama in his endevour to get America "back on track"?

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Will Conservatives support President Obama in his endevour to get America "back on track"?




  1. I don't know, I hope so, but probably not  

  2. I seriously doubt that. We do not consider socialism "back on track."

  3. Sure, just like you people support Bush.  

  4. Why on earth would we support an candidate who's been proven to be wrong on so many subjects

  5. NO. They have been successfully brainwashed by Foxnews into thinking

    Obama hates America

  6. No, because most conservatives do not agree with his stance on abortion or universal healthcare.

  7. It would depend on how he thinks it can be done.  I would guess he will rely on failed economic policies that other nations have tried and in that case his efforts should be blocked at every turn..

  8. Who.  Never heard of him.  Does he dwell in another parallel universe.

  9. nope

  10. No

  11. If they were smart they would...but no one can ever accuse Conservatives of being "smart".

  12. Not in a life time. They will fight ANY legislative initiatives no matter how smart , thoughtful useful and necessary they are. That is what they were doing all the time in congress.

  13. He would have to stop killing babies and start killing criminals before that would even be a hint of a thought.  

  14. The smart one will.  

  15. back on track to higher taxes?

    I don't think so.  

  16. I hope not, because a weak military and out of control inflation leading to more poverty and less freedom is not the right track. Do some research on the 1970's and see if that is what you wish to go back to. We need to move forward not backwards. No b.o.

  17. You don't think McCain is going to try and get America "back on track" ? I believe he will do his very best as well. I'm an undecided voter myself.  I just don't see how Obama plans to change things. His plans are general and vague..

  18. no one has explained what track that is.  If it is worrying that other countries like us, I could care less about popularity.  If it is about improved employment, he won't do it by raising anyone's taxes.  If it is about cutting the budget, as long as it's not the military programs, and is Pork spending, I'm all for it.  Truth be told, the best thing that can happen for Conservatives is to have Obama elected.  With the ultra liberal Congress, voters in Flyover Country will appreciate the performance about as much as Jimmy Carter's which ushered in Ronald Reagan for 2 terms, Geo Bush, Sr., one term, and Geo Bush, Jr for 2 terms, with a Republican Congress 6 of 8 Clinton years.  Bring on Obama and pray he has the guts to confront the Putins of the world.

  19. Nope. However this Conservative will support your "endevour" to get your spellchecker "back on track".

    Good luck with that one!

  20. I think Obama will continue partisan politics, thus the continue divide of the country and further away from being "back on track".

  21. Of course not. Conservatives would not

    support the most liberal guy in the Senate.

    They will all be supporting McCain/Palin.

    Yes!!!! Vote McCain.

  22. Back on Track

    We are a Capitalist Nation he want to make us a Socialist Nation. I will oppose a shift to Socialism with every breath I take.

  23. Why should conservatives treat Obama any differently that the liberals treated President Bush?

    Besides - the track Obama wants to put us on only goes downhill.

  24. If by "back on track" you mean higher taxes, socialism, anti-christian and anti-american sentiments and a smaller military, No

    McCain/Palin 08

  25. We'll give him the same amount of respect that Liberals gave Bush during his 7.8 years or the same that they have given McCain.

    McCain will be the next President.

  26. If he had really meant it they would have. Conservatives aren't the bawling sniveling whining babies that their counter parts are, they make the best of a situation and don't try to bring the whole world into their pain.

  27. Of course they won't.  That's fine.  I don't think I really enjoyed 8 years of Bush.  The best part of his Presidency was when he flicked off the American people before a speech where he butchered the English language.  That was awesome.

  28. The answer is NO.  Obama is a senator.  His voting record reflects his contempt for the U.S. Constitution.  Why would Conservatives support him, or John McCain, to that matter?

  29. The best way to get back on track is to realize that for four years we have had not only a President, But also a liberal congress and senate. What could be done was done, the rest was blocked or screwed up by the liberals playing politics for party rather than business for america.I'm sure the liberals will have a grand old time socializing us all until freedom means communism.He will get support if he does the right things for america.We are not all about power.

  30. There will be no President Obama,  Republicans don't need the support of the Dem's to get america back on track.

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