
Will Cuttlebones dissolve in my turtle tank?

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I have a yellow bellied slider and i want to know if the cuttlebone

I've got for it will dissolve in its water or if i can just put it on its rock and try and keep it dry, also it says the bone is for birds,

is it ok to give to turtles?????




  1. Yes, if the water is acid. The chances are the cuttlebone will be eaten long before it could dissolve, though. It is just as good for turtles as it is for bieds. A piece of limestone, plaster, or chalk will do just as well as cuttlebone in providing calcium for your turtle.

  2. put the cuttlebone in the water where the turtle can eat it. make sure to cut off the hard backing because the turtle cannot eat that.

    the cuttlebone will take a long time to dissolve. first it floats... then it will sink and then it will dissolve. but before it has a chance to sink i'm sure the turtle will have eatten it all!

    cuttlebone is excellent to give to turtles. it is mainly calcium which is essential for healthy shell growth. you can also grind cuttlebone down and dust crickets and such with it, although the turtle will have just as much fun eating it whole.

  3. it actually should be in the water where the turtle can eat it, and its ok if it dissolves, but usually the turtle will eat it by the time it disolves.

  4. yes it will slowly dissolve.

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