
Will Democrats show the seething obsessive hatred for Obama that they showed for Bush?

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Now that Michigan's and Florida's delegates have been give full voting rights, the day before the convention, doesn't that mean that Obama "stole" the nomination from Hillary? Will Democrats have the same blind, obsessive, morbid, energy wasting, seething, unhealthy hatred for Obama that they had for Bush?




  1. No those who express such hatred seem to reserve it for Republicans. However, the haters only make a small part of the Democratic demographic. I have however seen some pretty vitriolic dialog from Obama supporters aimed at Hillary supporters who say they will vote for McCain. Either way, Obama should not be demonized for the Florida and Michigan debacles. This was a decision by the party leadership in both instances, not one by the candidate.  

  2. It would be difficult to duplicate that kind of prolonged malice for any figure, let alone a highly regarded party leader.  One or even a few people might manage it, but not any significant numbers.

  3. Nope, I don't think anyone could be as bad as Bush.

  4. It wasn't hate directed at the office of President, but displeasure at the way a particular man behaved in that office.  So, no they won't.  But I can forsee Republicans trying their hardest to derail and divide the country even more if Obama should win.      

  5. BDS libs are the cause for the divisive climate of todays politics.

    Their hatred is unhealthy but its all they live for.

    They would do America a favor if they actually did what they say they'd do, and leave.

  6. Not at all.  Obama is not an incompetent idiot like George Jr.

  7. Yes!  They actually have what's known as the 'Rage Virus'.  The movies 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later were based on seething, hate-filled Democrats.  Here's an actual picture of one:

    And here they are at the convention:

  8. As long as Obama is black and not Bush, he can't be hated.  That would be racist.

  9. Only if Bushites manage to respect the President in the same manner that they've been telling us we need to do for the past 8 years.

  10. first off, bear in mind that Obama and several other democrats were not running on the Michigan ballot at the time of the primary...technically, that election was stolen from him.  

    secondly, "stealing" an election is just one of many reasons to dislike Bush.  I don't hate him, but he's f**ked up this country flatter than hammered sh*t over the last 8 years, and regardless of who becomes president, they're going to have to clean up his mess and will likely be ineffectual as a result. we'll be paying off the war for generations to come.

  11. I don't think Obama will get elected but if he did what the President does is just a matter of rote..what did anyone really do to stop a POTUS from his agenda?  He is not a Dictator is he? of course not.

  12. For what reason? Either way we are defeating the Republican party :)

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