
Will DirectLine charge me for cancelling my policy on my first day?

by  |  earlier

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I signed up for car insurence with direct line yesterday. First day of policy is today and I just found better deal with admiral. Will DirectLine charge me for cancelling my policy? Because they already took a deposit off my account.

Any help, please...




  1. you need to ring them to check but I think that you do have a 14 day cooling off period in which time you can cancel you policy and any monies paid will be refunded.  please ring them today and explain  best wishes

  2. Yes they will they will squeeze you dry unless you stand your ground and call them all the names of the day.

  3. You normally get a 14 day cooling of period so you should be ok

  4. Nope, you have a 14 day cooling off period.

    They should tell you about it when you take out your policy over the phone or it will be in the terms and conditions on their website.

    Just give them a call, it is the sort of thing they deal with everyday!

  5. No you have a "14 day Cooling off period" if you find the insurance policy is not suitable which its not because its too expensive they will make a small charge but you should get some of you deposit back.

  6. You have 14 days from the first date you agreed to their terms or paid them a deposit .. (date on the deposit cheque)

    Why not ring them up and tell them the price of  the better deal ? they may match it :-)

  7. you can cancel it within 14 days and receive your money back, but they do charge an administrative fee for this service (shouldn't be more than £5 i'd imagine)

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