
Will Djokovic become the new "king of clay"?

by Guest61255  |  earlier

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I know, I cant stand djokovic, but he just keeps on winning titles and getting closer and closer to number 2. I always think he will lose, but he's always up in atleast the quarters. I would rather see davydenko or roddick in the 3 spot. He climbed the ranks too fast kinda like another jeff gordon. To me there are two number 1 players rafa and roger, but roger is having a little trouble these days, he must be under serious pressure and maybe needs a coach to help him maintain.I would hate to see djokovic at number 1, I dont think he would be very good at representing that spot right now. Anyway, your right, Nadal is and probably will be the best on clay ever.




  1. yes!!!!!!!! i love djokovic!!!!! he'll be nunber one, so to other players out there,  better be worried!!!!!!!!

  2. absolutely not.. he will not be the king of clay... nadal is just too good on that... with the occasional upset loss here and there

  3. Yes, arrogant is the right word to describe Djokovic and just full of himself. Perhaps if he acted more modest he would have been appreciated by more people. Novak-the king of clay? Why? Because he won one title in Rome with the help of the retirement of others? No one can take Nadal´s crown:))) and especially not Novak. He may be good but on clay there is only one which is the best and that is Rafa. And if it weren´t for his blister, i am sure that Rafa wouldn´t have lost to Ferrero in Rome and would have taken the title there too. Vamos Rafa!

  4. he is not, he is lucky to win rome

  5. I have to say xno.1rafafan.x, I really loved your comment above. I get really really sick of people putting Fed down all the time so I try not to do it to other players... but it was refreshing to hear someone else say the way I feel about Novak. I try not to say it cos I don't wanna be a jerk, but he drives me insane too... actually his family and his fans drive me insane, hes not that bad himself. I really want Fed to stay on top and rafa as number 2 too, but if Novak does rise this year, you've gotta remeber that he will have a shitload of points to defend next yr... and its pretty hard to do that. Rafa and Roger are amazing to have done so. I hope Roger proves his stupid critics wrong nd wins the French this yr... but I hope Rafa is right behind him!! Oh and btw Rome is hardly even a clay court tourny, the clay is way faster than monte carlo and garros and suited more to Novaks game than Feds or Rafas. King of clay my *** :)

  6. why do almost everyone on here hate novak???sure he maybe seems like his full of himself but he is not.....and no not yet

  7. that's silly really. No one can take that title from Rafa as of now. But whats nice is his consistency on all surfaces. Unlike the so called King, he's already reaching later stages of clay court tourney's so that bodes very well for him.

    terminator, dunno where you get your stupid stats from, but fed leads nole 5-2 not 7-2.


    terminator the jackass, I guess math isn't your forte, but when you state 4-2 on hard, 1-0 on carpet, and 2-0 on clay, doesn't that add up to 7-2?

    hahaha, Emme the dolt will obviously seem brighter to you, just because you both agree on the same things. Did you read that utter bright question by her "Why do old people like Sampras?" Oh may be you also posted there (and I haven't checked up if u did) and agreed with her. Dolts, both of you!

  8. Um...pretty sure Djoko can prove it!

  9. No way will Novak become the King of Clay. He is an overly ambitious moron who has pulled every trick in the book to get into the top 5, and know that he's there (and its easier to perform with confidence when you're in the upper rankings) he wants people to believe that he's a fantastic player and a great sportsman - no way. He has retired from matches after being totally dominated because he can't bear to lose, especially against close rivals. When Monfils was leading against him at the US Open a few years ago, he faked an injury and got a long time-out, and then Monfils was put off his game and lost - one of Novak's master plans to reach the top. He makes stupid expressions after losing points to make people (and his opponent) think that he's just goofing around and that's why he lost the point. You never know if he's going to fake an injury or retire when losing against certain opponents (such as Rafa) and that makes watching him unpleasant. Roger and Rafa are good sportsmen with good hearts. Novak is a lousy personality and an arrogant fool.

  10. I am a Djokovic fan but I must admit that I never expected anyone to ask this kind of quetion.Nadal is simply the best on clay.I don't think that anyone can repeat his results on clay.Winning Roland Garros 3 times in a row,having a winning streak of 81 won matches in a row at such a young age is incredible.Djokovic may become #1 but he will never be better than Nadal on clay,no one will.On the other hand he can become the ''King of hardcourts'',but on clay,low chance.

  11. i really think that rafael nadal will still be the king of clay

  12. Only if Nadal retires or dies.................

  13. I like Nole, he's a phenomenal player, though his sudden arrogance and diva-like attitude is annoying. I have no doubt he could be a contender on clay, but I highly doubt he'll ever take the "King of Clay" title from Rafa, nor will he ever be the one to challenge Rafa on clay more than Federer. But anything can happen in tennis, only time will tell, but I don't think anybody will ever take that title from Rafa.

  14. No, probably not, but he will be the King of Tennis, or #1, by the end of the year.

  15. You need to understand why Rafa is considered the "King of Clay". He won 81 matches in a row on clay, including the three French Opens and then Roger beat him at Hamburg, which stopped his winning streak. Rafa continued to win again and brought his winning tally to 101 matches, until JCF beat him. If Djoko can continuouly beat Rafa on clay or set his own record of 82 wins on clay, then he can take that title, but till then Rafa is the undisputed king of clay. I hope that makes some sense before you start calling somebody as king or queen.

  16. No. Djokovic is a very talented player, but he will never become the king of clay. Rafa's game is perfectly suited for clay. It's as if God set out to make the ideal clay court player in Rafa. He sure succeeded with that. Djokovic is good on clay, but I think that hard courts suit him better. Rafa is the best clay court player ever, and only injuries and fatigue can stop him(like it did at Rome and Hamburg). Oh and if you like Rafa and Roger, you don't need to hate Djokovic. He is a bit immature, but he's only 20 years old for goodness sakes. What more can you expect? Rafa is young too, but he is extra special for hsi age when it comes to sportsmanship. Djokovic will grow up in time.

  17. I hate Novak Djokovic. He isnt as great as people make out and it frustrates me to think he has a chance to become the number 2 in the world. Its like wtf you`ve been on the scene year n a bit, who the h**l does he think he is ? He wins a grand slam and he already compares himself to true champions like Nadal and Federer. Thats just no no no! The way he talks in interviews about how he deserves to be number 1 lmao and then you got his family ignorant as h**l, the whole Djokovic clang drive me insane, the way he quits tournaments when he`s getting beat, regardless of his exscuses ``i was on antibiotics`` blah blah Roger had him that day and Novak couldnt stand that, he knows deep down Fed is the best tennis has seen but he cant admit it he just drives me crazy argh i hate him!!!! Rafa and Roger have played consistently at high levels throughout the years dominating the world of tennis. Yes Novak is a good player up and coming but he hasnt earned the right to say he is just as good as Nadal and Federer. He will probably get better as he progresses he is still young lol But no-way on this earth does he deserve to be Number 2!!!!! Rafa has achieved soooo much more and deserves to be Number 2 for the next 10years unless he can make it to Number 1!!!! Novak sickens my happiness he plays no-one in Rome to make the finals and has Warwrinka for friggin sake in the final :S Its like WTF WTF WTF !!! He doesnt deserve that Rome title, i sooooo cant wait for HAMBURG when the big boys show him whos boss on the clay !!!! I really really really cant stand how he acts.... i could ramble on forever about this Serbian, i dont care how many thumbs down i get or how many people start moaning about ``xno.1rafafan.x`` talks **** blah blah I dont give a s*** Novak doesnt deserve to be number 2, i cant wait for Rafa to beat him in hamburg assuming his foot has healed :( If not i cant wait for Roger to wipe that disgutsing cheeky smile off his face. Does anybody else not agree? Are yous all Novak lovers haha The way he applauds a players point if they hit a good shot its ANNOYING, Novak is just doing that for show infront of the camera, grrrrr theres lots of things he does even the little things the way he pumps his fist the way his hair stands up 6inches off his head hahahahaha C`mon Roger n Rafa show him whos boss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. no

  19. h**l NO. He will quit before that could ever happen.

    Rafa leads him 3-0 on clay so as long as Rafa is around Rafa will be the KING or CLAY just like Justine Henin is the Queen which leaves Novak as the Court Jester.

    Rafa also leads him on grass, indoor, and is one win shy of tying him on hard. Novak is king of nothing cept bad jokes and ugly fans.

    Federer leads Nole on hard, indoor, and 2-0 on clay. Making Roger the Prince of Clay, with his dominance at Wimbledon he has earned himself the crown and is the undisputed King of Grass, and with dominance at #1 he is also the King of Hardcourt and the King of Tennis.

    You can't be too bright even suggesting something this ludicris. Learn how to search on google and save yourself the embarrassment. They do have google in Serbia don't they.

    Novak turned PRO in 2003 and started playing satellites & challengers. He continued his great run in 2006 by shooting the rankings. In May 2006, various reports appeared in the British media about Djokovic's mother Dijana reportedly approaching Britain's Lawn Tennis Association about her son joining British tennis ranks and the possibility of their entire 5-person family moving from Serbia to live in Britain. But Britain didn't want them I guess so they were stuck in Serbia.

    **Edit** to tennis tool is great - I stand corrected although I didn't say 7-2 you did. It is actually 6-2 your site is incorrect. One win was on an indoor hardcourt so it was counted as both on my site ergo if you added you counted 7.

    Oh and Emme still kicks your *** with her responses. She seems so much brighter and informed and her assessment of people seems to be spot on. Dolt. hahahaha

    Welcome sunnyde and Sam so nice to have two more intelligent articulate connoisseurs on board. Oh for all you Djoker fans let me give you the definition of connoisseur.

    1: expert; especially : one who understands the details, technique, or principles of an art and is competent to act as a critical judge

    2: one who enjoys with discrimination and appreciation of subtleties <a connoisseur of fine wines, or a connoisseur of great tennis>


    ***EuropaRockszz*** WTF- Um...pretty sure Djoko can prove it! Prove what? that he is a looser. His mom wants them all to be British and he lives in Monaco. All he is proving is that he doesn't want to be a Serb.

    Roger will always be known as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) and Nole will always be known as the JackAss.

  20. You are all jealous, and you say that because you know that, in this moment, Novak is the best player. Soon he will be the no.1! You are scared, and you should be. I don't understand how can you hate him, he is just a player, and a good one!

  21. no way! nadal is still the best on clay! nadal had a blister so he lost his first match last week..

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