
Will Dobson say God approves of Obama if. . . . ?

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James Dobson has prayed to God for Rain on Obama Tonight at his speech from Mile High Stadium.

Will Dobson then say God has Chosen Obama if a beam of Sonshine basks Obama as he speaks this evening to America?




  1. I wouldn't count on that event in our lifetimes.  James Dobson's rain dance appears not to have been directly communicated to the powers-that-be.  

  2. Probably since Obama isn't scheduled to speak until after sunset.  It would take a miracle for a sunbeam to hit him then.

  3. Looks like Dobson's foolowers prayed in vain! Or DID they? Gustav may be laying a smackdown on the republican Convention!

    God does work in mysterious ways...

  4. How about if it just doesn't rain? What will that say about Dobson's "power of prayer"?

    Will that mean that God ignores Dobson's prayers? Or will that mean that even God wants Obama to be President?

  5. I think that was a different preacher.

    And who ever it was, he was likely NOT serious.

    Even if he was, that isn't that ugly of a request, although it certainly lacked class.

    And if God denies your request, does that mean God hates you & loves the other guy?

    - - - -

    That was a preacher who was connected with Dobson.

    And he says it was done in all fun.  

    I remember seeing the clip & it not being Dobson.  And it did look tongue in cheek.

    And I think it is perfectly silly to treat it seriously.

    But I still say it lacked class.

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