
Will Dr. King Jr's dream ever come true?

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With the way people are criticizing Senator Obama just because his skin is Black I don't see this happening any time soon.




  1. Well, with the rising rates of racial intolerance and people being born who hate people that are different than them, i'm afraid not. But maybe someday.

  2. In the future when supposedly the definitions of race and what race you are vanish and we all pretty much look the same. That's the only way i see unless people get over dumb prejudice's that don't mean anything.  

  3. The "we the people" are capable of making the dream come true.  It is up to the individuals like you to continue calling out for Americans to live up to the MLK version of the American Dream.  

  4. I remember the days when there were separate white and black water fountains. Racism is based on ignorance: when we make assumptions based on little to no experience with someone who is different. Things have changed a great deal since the days where the restrooms have a Whites Only sign on them.

    That Barack Obama could even run as the democratic candidate for the presidency is a wonderful thing. We do have a long way to go still and there are many who simply aren't there yet. Dr. King Jr's dream will come true as long as there are people willing to believe it possible and putting aside their fears of "difference" for the possibility of something better.  

  5. I criticize Barak Obama, but NOT for the color of his skin.  Most people that are choosing to vote against him have a problem with his (nonexistent) energy plan, his plan to raise taxes, and his stance on the war.  Its his stance on the issues that we have a problem with, not the color of his skin.

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